14.07.2015, 06:57
I am not a big fan of the example : http://openrb.com/example-lm2-as-tcp-ser...-requests/
It uses the following principle :
- the resident script is the TCP server :
- manages TCP clients
- listen on UDP for internal LM requests
- the resident script do receive client request and process them
- other LM scripts/events use UDP to communicate to the TCP server and transmit data to be sent
For me, there is some limitations :
- only 5 messages per second are read by TCP server on the UDP side
- data can be lost with UDP
As I need to send a lot of data, I did use the internal storage instead of UDP.
I am sharing this as a generic TCP server that can be customized for every need.
So the idea is the following :
- the resident script is the TCP server :
- manage TCP clients
- read the internal storage for internal LM requests
- the resident script do receive client request and process them
- other LM scripts/events use internal storage to communicate to the TCP server and transmit data to be sent
First, the User Library :
Now the resident script with sleep interval 0 :
Event base script :
It uses the following principle :
- the resident script is the TCP server :
- manages TCP clients
- listen on UDP for internal LM requests
- the resident script do receive client request and process them
- other LM scripts/events use UDP to communicate to the TCP server and transmit data to be sent
For me, there is some limitations :
- only 5 messages per second are read by TCP server on the UDP side
- data can be lost with UDP
As I need to send a lot of data, I did use the internal storage instead of UDP.
I am sharing this as a generic TCP server that can be customized for every need.
So the idea is the following :
- the resident script is the TCP server :
- manage TCP clients
- read the internal storage for internal LM requests
- the resident script do receive client request and process them
- other LM scripts/events use internal storage to communicate to the TCP server and transmit data to be sent
First, the User Library :
-- TCP Server user library
--general debug
tcp_debug = false
--networking debug
tcp_debug_tcp = false
-- additionnal debug
tcp_debug_verbose = false
--store a message to be send into the queue
function tcp_queue(message)
if (tcp_debug_verbose) then
alert("tcp_queue : "..message)
local tcp_Q = storage.get('tcpQ')
storage.set('tcpQ', tcp_Q)
Now the resident script with sleep interval 0 :
Resident script for TCP server
Manage client connexions
Receive requests from clients
Also send events through tcpQ storage
debug variables are set in the user library
--communication port to listen on
local tcp_port = 6789
if (tcp_debug) then
alert ("TCP Server start")
-- send a message to the peers
function tcp_sendmessage(message)
if (tcp_debug_tcp) then
alert ("tcp_sendmessage : ".. message)
for id, sock in pairs(tcp_clients) do
sock:send(message .. '\r\n')
-- incoming data handler, manage each message sent by clients to LM
function tcp_datahandler(sock, data)
local ip, port
ip, port = sock:getpeername()
if tcp_debug_tcp then
alert('tcp_datahandler receive data from %s:%d - %s', ip, port, data)
-- add your code to process data
-- connection handler, manage new peers
function tcp_connhandler(sock)
-- enable keep-alive to check for disconnect events
sock:setoption('keepalive', true)
local ip, port, data, err, id
-- get ip and port from socket
ip, port = sock:getpeername()
-- client id
id = string.format('%s:%d', ip, port)
alert('tcp_connhandler connection from %s', id)
-- save socket reference
tcp_clients[ id ] = sock
-- main reader loop
while true do
-- wait for single line of data (until \n, \r is ignored)
data, err = copas.receive(sock, '*l')
-- error while receiving
if err then
alert('tcp_connhandler closed connection from %s:%d', ip, port)
-- remove socket reference
tcp_clients[ id ] = nil
-- handle data frame
tcp_datahandler(sock, data)
-- init server handler
if not tcp_ready then
if (tcp_debug) then
alert ("TCP Server init start")
-- list of client sockets
tcp_clients = {}
--variable for the queue
tcp_Q = {}
--empty the storage queue
storage.set('tcpQ', tcp_Q)
-- bind to port
tcp_tcpserver = socket.bind('*', tcp_port)
-- error while binding, try again later
if not tcp_tcpserver then
error('tcp server realization init error: cannot bind')
-- set server connection handler
copas.addserver(tcp_tcpserver, tcp_connhandler)
tcp_ready = true
if (tcp_debug) then
alert ("TCP Server init end")
-- loop to manage packets
while true do
--retreive the queue
tcp_Q = storage.get('tcpQ')
storage.set('tcpQ', {})
--sending the queue
for index, value in ipairs(tcp_Q) do
if tcp_debug then
alert("TCP Server sending item "..tostring(index).." : "..tostring(value))
--wait for tcp request during 0.1s
if (tcp_debug) then
alert ("TCP Server closed")
Event base script :
value = knxdatatype.decode(event.datahex, dt.bool)
tcp_queue('Lamp is' .. (value and 'ON' or 'OFF'))