I use this script (i didn't make it by myself). in January, it stopped working, but i don't know why.
I tried the script on another location and Logic machine too, it doesn't matter.
The message i got is 'Weather: cannot fetch data. Status code: timeout' (what will generate at rule 55 till 55) it looks like he cannot connect to the server, but i don't know why.
I think the problem is between rule 11 and 49, but I'm not sure.
Maybe someone knows where i have to look at?
I tried to see what is wrong at https://openweathermap.org/appid, but i don't see it.
Sorry I'm just a beginner who will try more with a Logic Machine.
I tried the script on another location and Logic machine too, it doesn't matter.
The message i got is 'Weather: cannot fetch data. Status code: timeout' (what will generate at rule 55 till 55) it looks like he cannot connect to the server, but i don't know why.
I think the problem is between rule 11 and 49, but I'm not sure.
Maybe someone knows where i have to look at?
I tried to see what is wrong at https://openweathermap.org/appid, but i don't see it.
socket.http.TIMEOUT = 10
-->>>>>>>>>>>>>USER MODIFICATION AREA (BEGIN)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
local searchBy = 1 -- 0-search by city name; 1-search by cityID
local city = 'Amsterdam, NL' --city name
local cityID= '2759794' --city ID (see openweathermap.org)
local timezone= 1 --add a timeshift of your timezone (eg. timezone = 2 for Prague)
local units = 'metric' --units of measured values: metric/imperial
local lang = 'NL' --[[language of weather description
English - en, Russian - ru, Italian - it, Spanish - es (or sp),
Ukrainian - uk (or ua), German - de, Portuguese - pt, Romanian - ro,
Polish - pl, Finnish - fi, Dutch - nl, French - fr, Bulgarian - bg,
Swedish - sv (or se), Chinese Traditional - zh_tw,
Chinese Simplified - zh (or zh_cn), Turkish - tr, Croatian - hr, Catalan - ca --]]
local proxy='' --set proxy server e.g. ''. If no proxy is needed set proxy=nil
local apikey='HIDDEN' --API key can be retrieved after registration on http://openweathermap.org/appid
-->>>>>>>>>>>>>USER MODIFICATION AREA (END)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
local data,_, code, headers, status, ret
local proxyServer=""
local response = {}
if searchBy==0 then
_, code, headers, status = socket.http.request{
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response),
elseif searchBy== 1 then
_, code, headers, status = socket.http.request{
sink = ltn12.sink.table(response),
if code==200 then
alert('Fetch OK')
alert('Weather: cannot fetch data. Status code: '..code)
ret = table.concat(response)
data = json.pdecode(ret)
if not data then
alert('Weather: cannot parse data')
grp.update('12/0/1', (data.main.temp),dt.float16) --Current temperature [Celsius deg]
grp.update('12/0/2', (data.main.temp_min),dt.float16) --Minimum temperature at the moment
grp.update('12/0/3', (data.main.temp_max),dt.float16) --Maximum temperature at the moment
grp.update('12/0/4', (data.main.pressure),dt.float16) --Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), hPa
grp.update('12/0/5', (data.wind.speed),dt.float16) --Wind speed, mps
grp.update('12/0/6', (data.wind.deg),dt.angle) --Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
grp.update('12/0/7', (data.clouds.all),dt.scale) --Cloudiness [%]
grp.update('12/0/8', (data.weather[1].id),dt.int16)--Weather condition ID
grp.update('12/0/9', (data.weather[1].main),dt.string)--Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme)
grp.update('12/0/10', (data.weather[1].description),dt.string)--Weather condition within the group
grp.update('12/0/11', (data.weather[1].icon),dt.string)--Weather icon ID
grp.update('12/0/12', (data.rain),dt.float16) --Precipitation volume for last 3 hours, [mm]
grp.update('12/0/13', (data.snow),dt.float16) --Snow volume for last 3 hours, mm
--set time shift base od day saving time
if os.date("*t").isdst==false then
dst_timeshift= 0
dst_timeshift= 1
--convert the sunrise time to KNX datatype format
--convert the sunset time to KNX datatype format
grp.update('12/0/14', (sunrise_time),dt.time) --sunrise time
grp.update('12/0/15', (sunset_time) ,dt.time) --sunset time
grp.update('12/0/16', data.coord.lon,dt.float16) --longitude
grp.update('12/0/17', data.coord.lat,dt.float16) --latitude
log("Fetch of current weather data done.")
Sorry I'm just a beginner who will try more with a Logic Machine.