I have about 250 trendlogs to modify ( Log type, aggregate function, trend resolution).
is there a shortway to do this without delete and recreate them?
28.05.2020, 12:54 (This post was last modified: 28.05.2020, 12:55 by gdimaria.)
That's a good question? How can I determinate its limits?
To be precise, my client asked me to monitor about 120 trends. And I have already reached the limit: here attached is what appears on the screen when I try to insert the 121 °.
Is there a reliable system for determining what the general limits are and how not to overcome them?
LM is extremely complex product and it is very hard to determine limits. If we create limit for certain feature some people will be able to use more of it because they will use less of something else. System can be overloaded by single script but it can work fine with hundreds. Monitor CPU/IO memory and RAM.
If we create limits then system will be not flexible and then nobody will be happy.
The trends has limit of ~21MB as there is fixed size of storage. With small trends you can create a lot.
28.05.2020, 18:43 (This post was last modified: 28.05.2020, 18:49 by Erwin van der Zwart.)
You can make lots of trends with a low retention rate and export it every x period with script (lots of samples are created and available on this forum) or even use mysql or mqtt to export it to another storage location.
If you really need a lot of extended trending with high retention you might need another product like a BMS server, EcoStruxure Building for example, however this will warp you to another price level...