26.02.2022, 16:23
I have a top-down/bottom-up blind that can be controlled with a hub named PowerView. Firstly, I tried to control it with relays since, in my opinion, it is better than a wireless connection, but unfortunately, I had some problems, so I started to control it with API through the PowerView hub. I am able to control it, but I have the problem that I am using a slide control from a touch panel to set the blind position. I use an event script, and each time I slide the slider a bit, it sends an event, which results in the blind moving in many smaller steps. I would like to only have one event, which then waits 2 seconds before it reads the target position for the blind.
Event from slider:
Blind function:
I have a top-down/bottom-up blind that can be controlled with a hub named PowerView. Firstly, I tried to control it with relays since, in my opinion, it is better than a wireless connection, but unfortunately, I had some problems, so I started to control it with API through the PowerView hub. I am able to control it, but I have the problem that I am using a slide control from a touch panel to set the blind position. I use an event script, and each time I slide the slider a bit, it sends an event, which results in the blind moving in many smaller steps. I would like to only have one event, which then waits 2 seconds before it reads the target position for the blind.
Event from slider:
-- group address or name
addr = '0/2/7'
ShadeID = '63686'
semaphore = sem.open('eventlock')
timeout = 5 * 10
-- wait for unlock or 5 second timeout
while not semaphore:trywait() and timeout > 0 do
timeout = timeout - 1
-- perform script actions
Blind(ShadeID, addr)
-- unlock semaphore
Blind function:
-- blind (Top-down/Bottom-up)
function Blind(ShadeID, addr)
http = require('socket.http')
local Bridge = ''
-- Blind Position
Pos = grp.getvalue(addr)
BlindPos = tostring(math.floor(Pos*655.35));
url = 'http://' .. Bridge .. '/api/shades'
res, code, headers, status = http.request(url)
-- position1 is the bottom rail and it is 0 at the bottom and 65535 at the top
-- position2 is the top rail and it is 65535 at the bottom and 0 at the top
body = '{"shade":{"positions":{"posKind1":1,"position1":' .. BlindPos .. ',"posKind2":2,"position2":0}}}'
-- Send position
res, code = http.request({
url = 'http://' .. Bridge .. '/api/shades/' .. ShadeID,
method = 'PUT',
headers = {
['Content-Length'] = #body,
['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
source = ltn12.source.string(body)