22.02.2024, 16:16
I need to do a script that contains 5 GA 1bit object (push-buttons) and one 1byte value objectÂ
When I push the first button it sends 'true' on the first GA and then need to be convert to a GA object value that shows 100%
Then I push the second button and it sends 'true' to the second GA and then need to change the same object value 75% instead of 100%
And so on with the other three pushbuttons..
I need to do a script that contains 5 GA 1bit object (push-buttons) and one 1byte value objectÂ
When I push the first button it sends 'true' on the first GA and then need to be convert to a GA object value that shows 100%
Then I push the second button and it sends 'true' to the second GA and then need to change the same object value 75% instead of 100%
And so on with the other three pushbuttons..