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[RELEASE] LogicMachine firmware 2024.04
(10.06.2024, 07:02)admin Wrote: @Sral1987, it will be published later this month

@manospsyx, basic auth still works but you have to explicitly send the header. We'll see if something can be implemented just for the Remote services but I cannot promise anything at the moment.

Makes sense! Since a workaround doesn't exist, I'll go ahead and update all integration code to send the header explicitly. Will be a little tedious, but doable. Thank you!
@Sral1987, FW for old devices has been published
I have a somewhat stupid question regarding the import of neighbors. In Firmware 20240426 the import for neighbors is greyed out. Remote Services are enabled.
What am I missing?
And is it correct that I can't transmit Virtual Objects via Remote to another LM?

Thanks for your Help
All devices must have 2024 fw.

I'm just testing wireguard vpn, no success. I guest I should give a local address in format x.x.x.x/24, at least remote interface allowed ip in format x.x.x.x/32 and server address as x.x.x.x:port

It seems to be functional but i'm not able to ping nether way. Maybe there is something wrong in my ip mask.

Another problem: ip must be an static ip but it should be any url so we can resolve a dinamic server, an usual config.

Since we can not get this to work, it is a great addition to vpn connections. Thank you!
@jlfneir, try this updated package. Install through System config > System > Packages > Add Package.

Local address should be /32 since it's the tunnel interface IP address. Allowed address netmask can be different: /32 for single IP access only, /24 for the whole class C network. On the server side the Allowed address value should be the same as the client's Local address (/32).
Hello, after updating an old LM Reactor v3 from 2017 to 2024 firmware, I noticed that the "Objects" tab doesn't display properly (connecting to the LogicMachine in HTTP). Inside the Chrome dev tools, I can see the following error message:

Quote:WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxx/scada-main/objects/ws-main' failed:
start @ 10-objects.js.gz?version=20240426:1
(anonymous) @ 10-objects.js.gz?version=20240426:1

I retried connecting to the LM in HTTPS, and this time, the Objects tab was displayed properly, and the error above didn't show up anymore.

It seems to be specific to some version upgrades, because for instance if I upgrade a brand-new LM from 2023 to 2024 firmware, the same problem won't occur connecting in plain HTTP. It seems to only happen if you update from a really old firmware to the 2024 one.

Do you have any workaround?
Make a backup, then use the recovery image to reflash SD with latest fw and restore backup. You can send us the backup via PM to check.
(21.06.2024, 08:49)Daniel Wrote: Make a backup, then use the recovery image to reflash SD with latest fw and restore backup.  You can send us the backup via PM to check.

Hello, I am sorry to insist, but I had the same problem with a brand new LM that already had 2024 firmware installed when taking it out of its box. I have the feeling that the websocket /scada-main/objects/ws-main is not accessible anymore in plain HTTP (as opposed to HTTPS).

Steps to reproduce :
  1. Connect to the Home screen of the LM in plain HTTP
  2. Open Chrome DevTools
  3. Open the main app "LogicMachine"
  4. Then, in DevTools, the following error will show:

Quote:10-objects.js.gz?version=20240228:1 WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxxx/scada-main/objects/ws-main' failed:
start @ 10-objects.js.gz?version=20240228:1
(anonymous) @ 10-objects.js.gz?version=20240228:1

To be more precise, in the script 10-objects.js.gz, the error occurs in the method localbus.start():

Scada.Objects = {};
var $O = Scada.Objects
  , localbus = {
    warn: function(e, t) {
        window.console && console.warn(e, t || "")
    start: function() {
        var e = window.location
          , t = (-1 == e.protocol.indexOf("https") ? "ws" : "wss") + "://" + + Scada.reqUrl("objects", "ws-main")
          , a = new WebSocket(t)
          , s = this;

The ternary operator indicates that "wss://" will be chosen if the connection to the LM is established in HTTPS, and "ws://" will be chosen if it's in HTTP.
And then, the connection using "ws://" fails. Maybe in the 2024 this WebSocket doesn't work anymore with "ws" instead of "wss"? Can you please confirm or infirm this assertion?

The consequence of this error is that in HTTP, the objects don't show in the LogicMachine web interface. In HTTPS everything works fine.

Thank you in advance for your help.
We can't reproduce this issue, it works correctly over HTTP for us.
Try using Firefox and try accessing the same LM from a different PC. This might be caused by a certain antivirus and/or firewall software.
With Firefox in private browsing on the same PC, I still get the error:
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ws:// [url=]10-objects.js.gz:1:242[/url]
websocket error

error { target: WebSocket, isTrusted: true, srcElement: WebSocket, currentTarget: WebSocket, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: false, cancelable: false, returnValue: true, defaultPrevented: false, composed: false, … }

bubbles: false

cancelBubble: false

cancelable: false

composed: false

currentTarget: null

defaultPrevented: false

eventPhase: 0

explicitOriginalTarget: WebSocket { url: "ws://", readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, … }

isTrusted: true

originalTarget: WebSocket { url: "ws://", readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, … }

returnValue: true

srcElement: WebSocket { url: "ws://", readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, … }

target: WebSocket { url: "ws://", readyState: 3, bufferedAmount: 0, … }

timeStamp: 18020

type: "error"

<get isTrusted()>: function isTrusted()

<prototype>: EventPrototype { composedPath: composedPath(), stopPropagation: stopPropagation(), stopImmediatePropagation: stopImmediatePropagation(), … }
websocket closed <empty string>

I will try with a different PC and let you know.
I have an old LM5 Reactor IO V2 (i.MX6) with FW: 20211215

Can i update directly to 2024.04 or i need to install previous versions?

Thank you in advance
You should be fine but make yourself a backup as always before fw upgrade.
(08.07.2024, 07:40)Daniel Wrote: You should be fine but make yourself a backup as always before fw upgrade.

Thank you
(04.07.2024, 08:40)admin Wrote: We can't reproduce this issue, it works correctly over HTTP for us.
Try using Firefox and try accessing the same LM from a different PC. This might be caused by a certain antivirus and/or firewall software.

Hello, just to update you about the fact that I witnessed this websocket bug only on some buildings and not on some others equipped with the same 2024 firmware. So I think you were right, it must probably be a firewall issue since to connect to the buildings on which I see the bug, I use a different VPN than for the ones on which I don't see the bug.
How to use the beeper in the LM Wall (Ambient V2) with this firmware?
And how to control the leds? I generated the objects for it, but it doesn't work.
What is the exact hardware version of your LM Wall?
(27.09.2024, 09:55)admin Wrote: What is the exact hardware version of your LM Wall?

LM Wall (Ambient) V2 (i.MX6)
Hello, after upgrading to this beta firmware my connection from my Beddi Alarm Clock doesn't work anymore. Its a simple Get Http Request to the LM remote services. With the username and password in the url.

I can only send a simple http request from the Beddi.

How can i solve this?
Most likely your device does not send the username/password explicitly so the request fails. A temporary work-around via .lp script:

Next firmware will have an option to fix this issue.

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