08.07.2019, 07:36
(04.07.2019, 07:33)davidchispas Wrote:(02.07.2019, 12:54)admin Wrote: Check bus voltage, maybe there's a short circuit or a broken wire somewhere.
Yes, I reviewed everything. Then I went back to factory parameters Logic machine and connected 3 new ballasts to Dali Internal 1. I recognized a single ballast and it acts on all three at once. I think that somehow it broke down ...
I loaded the last program again, and the only way to recognize the ballasts, was through a script and add one by one. So I solved that area. But you can see that communication is slow now. Another thing that it does, is that every time it loses power, I have to go into the Dali configuration and enable the rs485.
I just found this post It is the same problem. Just before the installation I loaded the last firm. How can I know if I'm missing some software package?
https://store.chipkin.com/articles/rs485...wire-rs485 In another post they mention the importance of connecting the rs485 to grounding. Is it as simple as connecting the GND directly to grounding? Maybe the slowness is due to possible interference?