02.10.2019, 09:43
Apixu is switching their API to a new service called Weatherstack.
This means that you have to modify your weather scripts with new URL and API keys. Unfortunately, their free tier does not provide any forecast data anymore, only current conditions. HTTPS is also not provided for free tier.
This means that you have to modify your weather scripts with new URL and API keys. Unfortunately, their free tier does not provide any forecast data anymore, only current conditions. HTTPS is also not provided for free tier.
http = require('socket.http')
escape = require('socket.url').escape
key = 'your_key_here'
location = 'your_location_here'
url = 'http://api.weatherstack.com/current?access_key=%s&query=%s'
url = string.format(url, key, escape(location))
res = http.request(url)
data = json.pdecode(res)
if type(data) ~= 'table' then
alert('failed to load weather data')
if data.error then
log('error', data.error)
current = data.current
-- temperature
grp.write('32/1/1', current.temperature)
-- "feels like" temperature
grp.write('32/1/2', current.feelslike)
-- humidity as percentage
grp.write('32/1/3', current.humidity)
-- wind speed in kilometers per hour
grp.write('32/1/4', current.wind_speed)
-- uv index
grp.write('32/1/5', current.uv_index)
-- weather condition text
grp.write('32/1/6', current.weather_descriptions[1])
-- pressure
grp.write('32/1/7', current.pressure)
-- precipitation amount
grp.write('32/1/8', current.precip)