24.12.2019, 06:48
First, you need to encrypt password using PBKDF2. Go to https://8gwifi.org/pbkdf.jsp and input the following data:
Use aes.lua from this post: https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthrea...7#pid12807
Save it as a user library named aes
Example, change key to the one that you've generated. Change ip and cmd as needed. \r is added to command automatically.
Master Password: your pairing code (BK2AT22Y)
Salt: Y2G4DpvcpmONByDyzFaPuQ==
Iteration: 16384
dkLen: 128
PBE Ciphers: PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256
Use aes.lua from this post: https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthrea...7#pid12807
Save it as a user library named aes
Example, change key to the one that you've generated. Change ip and cmd as needed. \r is added to command automatically.
ip = ''
key = 'm7mRFt3BM+CwW3bYunE6sA=='
cmd = 'POWER off'
function encrypt(key, data)
-- padding
local rem = #data % 16
if rem ~= 0 then
rem = 16 - rem
local ch = string.char(rem)
data = data .. string.rep(ch, rem)
-- generate iv
local iv = ''
local ts, tu = os.microtime()
math.randomseed(ts - tu)
for i = 1, 16 do
local ch = math.random(0, 255)
iv = iv .. string.char(ch)
local aes = require('user.aes')
-- encrypt iv
local aes_128_ecb, err = aes:new(key, nil, aes.cipher(128, 'ecb'), { iv = string.rep('\0', 16) }, nil, 0)
local ivenc = aes_128_ecb:encrypt(iv)
-- encypt data
local aes_128_cbc, err = aes:new(key, nil, aes.cipher(128, 'cbc'), { iv = iv }, nil, 0)
local dataenc = aes_128_cbc:encrypt(data)
return ivenc .. dataenc
function send(ip, key, cmd)
local sock = require('socket').tcp()
local res, err = sock:connect(ip, 9761)
if res then
key = require('encdec').base64dec(key)
cmd = cmd .. '\r'
local data = encrypt(key, cmd)
res, err = sock:send(data)
if res then
reply = sock:receive(16)
return res, err
res, err = send(ip, key, cmd)
log(res, err)