25.08.2020, 15:57
When merging it is better to use hex values as then it is dpt independent(still 1 byte). Updated the old RGB script, not tested
------------------- Configurable parameters ------------------------------------
redGroup = '1/1/1' --- modify ether group address or name of group
greenGroup = 'LED1 Green Status' --- modify ether group address or name of group
blueGroup = '1/1/3' --- modify ether group address or name of group
whiteGroup = '1/1/4'
rgbwGroup = 'RGB Value' --- modify ether group address or name of group
red = grp.find(redGroup)
green = grp.find(greenGroup)
blue = grp.find(blueGroup)
white = grp.find(whiteGroup)
RGBW = lmcore.hextoint(red.datahex..green.datahex..blue.datahex..white.datahex)
grp.write(rgbwGroup, RGBW)