11.09.2020, 11:56
ok, I have the step !
objs = grp.tag('MyTag')
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do
Time = os.date('*t', obj.updatetime)
log( Time.hour ..':'.. Time.min )
If I want this log in an email and I want a new row in the same mail for every logs, how can I do ? ( what is the format for the message string ? )
objs = grp.tag('MyTag')
for _, obj in ipairs(objs) do
Time = os.date('*t', obj.updatetime)
log( Time.hour ..':'.. Time.min )
If I want this log in an email and I want a new row in the same mail for every logs, how can I do ? ( what is the format for the message string ? )
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