12.01.2021, 19:16
Instead of get past hour data, just read every adress with tag energy.
-- Mail Attachment
subject = 'Energy Values'
--to = 'mail@mail.com''
to = mail@mail.com'
-- get past hour data (3600 seconds)
logtime = os.time() - 60 * 60
-- list of objects by id
objects = {'Energy'}
-- objects with logging enabled
query = 'SELECT address, datatype, name FROM objects WHERE disablelog=0'
for _, object in ipairs(db:getall(query)) do
objects[ tonumber(object.address) ] = {
datatype = tonumber(object.datatype),
name = tostring(object.name or ''),
-- csv buffer
buffer = { '"date","address","name","value"' }
-- get object logs
query = 'SELECT src, address, datahex, logtime, eventtype FROM objectlog WHERE logtime >= ? ORDER BY id DESC'
for _, row in ipairs(db:getall(query, logtime)) do
object = objects[ tonumber(row.address) ]
-- found matching object and event type is group write
if object and row.eventtype == 'write' then
datatype = object.datatype
-- check that object datatype is set
if datatype then
-- decode data
data = knxdatatype.decode(row.datahex, datatype)
-- remove null chars from char/string datatype
if datatype == dt.char or datatype == dt.string then
data = data:gsub('%z+', '')
-- date to DD.MM.YYYY
elseif datatype == dt.date then
data = string.format('%.2d.%.2d.%.2d', data.day, data.month, data.year)
-- time to HH:MM:SS
elseif datatype == dt.time then
data = string.format('%.2d:%.2d:%.2d', data.hour, data.minute, data.second)
data = ''
-- format csv row
logdate = os.date('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S', row.logtime)
csv = string.format('%q,%q,%q,%q', logdate, knxlib.decodega(row.address), object.name, tostring(data))
-- add to buffer
table.insert(buffer, csv)
-- transform table to string for csv file
data1 = table.concat(buffer, '\r\n')
-- make sure these settings are correctat
local settings = {
-- "from" field, only e-mail must be specified here
from = 'mail@mail.com'',
-- smtp username
user = 'mail@mail.com'',
-- smtp password
password = 'Password',
-- smtp server
server = 'smtp.gmail.com',
-- smtp server port
port = 465,
-- enable ssl, required for gmail smtp
secure = 'sslv23',
mime = require("mime")
ltn12 = require("ltn12")
local smtp = require('socket.smtp')
local escape = function(v)
return '<' .. tostring(v) .. '>'
settings.from = escape(settings.from)
settings.rcpt = { escape(to) }
settings.source = smtp.message{
headers = {
to = to,
subject = subject,
body = {
preable = "This email contains 1 attachment.",
[1] = {
body = mime.eol(0, [["This message is automaticly send, Do not reply on this e-mail."]])
[2] = {
headers = {
["content-type"] = 'text/plain; name="Objectlog.csv"',
["content-disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="Objectlog.csv"',
body = data1
epilogue = "End of mail"
r, e = smtp.send(settings)
if (e) then
io.stderr:write("Could not send email: ", e, "\n")