03.02.2021, 03:43
(03.02.2021, 02:43)jamesng Wrote: Hi
I'm attempting to control Unifi US-48-500W and US-8-60W switches (all running the latest firmware - cloud key firmware 2.0.27 which changes the access url from https://controllerip:8443 to https://controllerip/network/site) and I think breaks the reverse engineered API.
I was under the impression that the API (https://ubntwiki.com/products/software/u...roller/api) was a reverse engineered project and that the telnet control which was officially supported by Unifi.
Is there an example of how to make the SSH connection and execute the telnet commands with Logic Machine?
Kind Regards
Hi jamesng,
from the last unifi update 2 things have changed, 1- controller access is no longer avalible on port 8443, this is now https on port 443 and 2- end points have changed for login endpoint api/auth/login and for api endpoint prefix with /proxy/network see below code , change to suit your requirements
htps = require("ssl.https")
htps.TIMEOUT = 5
usr_credenitals = json.encode({
username = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
password = 'XXXXXXXX'
login = ''
sta = ''
get_sites = ''
Post_response = {}
local res, err, response_headers, status = htps.request
url = login,
method = "POST",
protocol = 'tlsv12',
headers =
["Accept"] = "*/*",
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["Content-Length"] = usr_credenitals:len()
source = ltn12.source.string(usr_credenitals),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(Post_response)
if Post_response then
--log(res, code, response_headers)
mmm_cookies = response_headers['set-cookie']
if mmm_cookies then
token = mmm_cookies:match('(TOKEN=[^;]+)'..';')
Get_response ={}
res, err = htps.request({
url = sta,
method = "GET",
protocol = 'tlsv12',
headers = {
cookie = token,
['X-CSRF-Token'] = response_headers['x-csrf-token']
sink = ltn12.sink.table(Get_response),
if Get_response then
Get_response = table.concat(Get_response)
dec = json.decode(Get_response)
-- get all mac adresses currently connected to site
for i = 1, #dec.data do
-- return boolean if mac adress is connected
is_mac = dec.data[i].mac =='42:45:05:39:0f:d9'
if is_mac then
log('could not get stat ' .. tostring(err))
log('login failed ' .. tostring(err))