11.02.2021, 14:43
(11.02.2021, 14:28)admin Wrote: Use arrays/tables to store data like this. Untested modified version of you code:
Code:obj = db:getall('SELECT name FROM objects WHERE name LIKE "%STATUS_OCCUPIED%"')
data = {}
keys = { '02', '03_04', '05' }
for fid = 1, 5 do
floor = {}
for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
floor[key] = {
count = 0,
occ = 0,
data[fid] = floor
for _, name in ipairs(obj) do
adr = grp.find(name.name)
gaWeight = string.gsub(name.name, 'STATUS', 'WEIGHT')
weight = grp.getvalue(gaWeight)
value = toboolean(grp.getvalue(name.name))
floor = tonumber(string.split(adr.address, '/')[2])
agg = string.split(string.split(adr.name, '360.')[2], ' ')[1]
--Oppretter adresse for vekting dersom den ikke finnes og setter vekttallet til 1.
if grp.find(gaWeight) == nil then
address = grp.create({
datatype = dt.uint16,
virtual = true,
name = gaWeight,
comment = '',
grp.write(gaWeight, 1)
weight = 1
if data[floor] and data[floor][agg] then
data[floor][agg].count = data[floor][agg].count + 1
if value then
data[floor][agg].occ = data[floor][agg].occ + weight
I will test this out. It looks a lot more elegant than my solution. I believe I will be needing things like this in many other applications as well.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who can read binary and those who don't