Very thanks, great info. I will check this immediatelly
I've upgraded LM-LB and it is working. Unfortunately this javascript is not working. Can you check? This script is working on LM4 and LM Reactor V3 but not on LM Load Balancer also after upgrade.
I've upgraded LM-LB and it is working. Unfortunately this javascript is not working. Can you check? This script is working on LM4 and LM Reactor V3 but not on LM Load Balancer also after upgrade.
// Set color values
var defaultcolor = $('.Temp').css("color") // Use color that is default set on the object
var highcolor = 'rgb(0, 153, 204)' // Blue
var lowcolor = 'rgb(204, 153, 0)' // Orange
// Function to change colors on values
function CheckSetpointandValue(){
// Check if and how many elements there are with additional class 'Temp'
if ($(".Temp").length > 0){
// Set number of items to loop through based on additional class 'Temp' items
var TempValueItems = $(".Temp").length // Determine number of compare items
// Set difference between actual and setpoint to change color
var MinimalDifference = 0.5 // Determine minnimal difference between setpoint and actual temperature
// Loop to items to set CSS
for (i = 1; (i-1) < TempValueItems; i++) {
// Set conditions for Setp_nr and Temp_nr
if ( Number( $(".Temp_" + i).html() ) > ( Number( $(".Setp_" + i).html() ) + MinimalDifference ) ){
$(".Temp_" + i).css("color", highcolor);
} else if ( ( Number( $(".Temp_" + i).html() ) + MinimalDifference ) < Number( $(".Setp_" + i).html() ) ){
$(".Temp_" + i).css("color", lowcolor);
} else {
$(".Temp_" + i).css("color", defaultcolor);
// Check for changes on value of item with Temp
// Check for changes on value of item with Setp
// Initial execution