I made an exact copy of the profile (wich works) provided by Balatis above, I only changed the addresses to what I could find in the Fronius documentation. I now see an error on the profile: "Fronius Smart Meter(TCP failed: illegal data address" So I guess the addresses are not correct?
Kind regards
So would this be correct syntax?:
I made an exact copy of the profile (wich works) provided by Balatis above, I only changed the addresses to what I could find in the Fronius documentation. I now see an error on the profile: "Fronius Smart Meter(TCP failed: illegal data address" So I guess the addresses are not correct?
Kind regards
So would this be correct syntax?:
"manufacturer": "Fronius",
"description": "Fronius Smartmeter TS 65A-3",
"mapping": [
"name": "AC_total_curent",
"bus_datatype": "14",
"type": "register",
"address": 3,
"writable": "true",
"datatype": "int16",
"value_multiplier": 0.01,
"units": "A"
Novice DIY with a HL and KNX basics trying to ...