Here is some svg image and custom script which can be used for learning manipulating svg images by custom javascript. I used Inkscape for editing svg image(e.g. adding new elements).
1. Copy to "Custom javascript":
2. Upload 'interactive.svg' to /Images/Backgrounds'.
3. Add it as local image on some plan and add to this image Additional class 'blind1'.
4. You can also add some buttons which change +/-10% height.
Currently they should be created in this way:
For +10%: '6/0/54' which send 0 and 1
For -10%: '6/0/53' which send 0 and 1
5. Try manipulating this svg
1. Copy to "Custom javascript":
// Manipulating SVG images
$('.blind1 > object').load(function() {
var svg = $('.blind1 > object')[0]; // Choosing svg
var svgDoc = svg.contentDocument; // Choosing content from svg
var svgItem = svgDoc.getElementById("rect4136"); // Choosing blind from content
var svgItem1 = svgDoc.getElementById("g4136"); // Choosing window from content
var svgItem2 = svgDoc.getElementById("rect4154-4"); // Choosing light from content
position_plus = '32/1/15'; // Position
grp.listen(position_plus, function(obj, type) {
if (type == 'init') return false;
let height = Number( svgItem.getAttribute("height") ) + 10;
console.log('plus, nowa: ', height)
if (height >= 100) svgItem.setAttribute('height', '100');
else if (height < 100) svgItem.setAttribute('height', height);
if (height > 50) {'black'; '0';
} else {'red'; '80';
}, true);
position_minus = '32/1/16';
grp.listen(position_minus, function(obj, type) {
if (type == 'init') return false;
let height = Number( svgItem.getAttribute("height") ) - 10;
console.log('minus, nowa: ', height)
if (height <= 0) svgItem.setAttribute('height', '0');
else if (height > 0) svgItem.setAttribute('height', height);
if (height > 50) {'black'; '0';
} else {'red'; '80';
}, true);
// onclick blind-up
svgItem.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
}, false);
svgItem.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
svgItem.setAttribute('height', '0')
}, true);
// onclick blind-down
svgItem1.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
}, false);
svgItem1.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
svgItem.setAttribute('height', '100');
}, true);
2. Upload 'interactive.svg' to /Images/Backgrounds'.
3. Add it as local image on some plan and add to this image Additional class 'blind1'.
4. You can also add some buttons which change +/-10% height.
Currently they should be created in this way:
For +10%: '6/0/54' which send 0 and 1
For -10%: '6/0/53' which send 0 and 1
5. Try manipulating this svg