28.05.2021, 11:07
(13.05.2021, 09:53)admin Wrote: Modify the sendobjvalue function in bim-iot library and do a full script restart via disable/enable:
Code:function sendobjvalue(obj)
local data = json.encode({
Type = 'NotificationPackage',
Item = {
Name = obj.name,
State = encodevalue(obj.value, obj.dtype),
Type = obj.dtype,
Editable = 2, -- allow read/write
Link = ''
TimeStamp = timestamp()
They finally tested the ws connection sending commands from their side: it doesn't work.
They try to on/off a led or to set temperature on a termostate, but nothing happens.
They json strings they are sending are like:
“ItemName”:“Led 1”
But no success.
Another problem is that they are receiving the status of ALL objects, ALL in read / write mode.
instead we must be able to choose which objects to transmit and specify whether to read or write or both.
I am grateful for your help.