For a few months now I've been connecting our SHAC / LogicMachine to our TeslaPowerwall to load-shift our electricity usage between the battery and the grid in response to the 30 minute electricity pricing provided by Amber Electric. This has worked really well and we have seen our energy bills fall by about 50%.
Tesla pushed a firmware update the the Powerwall today (v21.20.2) which is causing an error with the local login script. The remote login script for control of the Powerwall still works well).
Here is the local login script which is no longer working...
Now, I get the following error
and the debug line returns
when trying to connect to the Powerwall with the above code.
Previously POWERWALLGATEWAY was a DNS name, however the PowerWall now drops the connection unless an IP address is used in a web browser. I can connect ok to https://POWERWALLGATEWAY/api/login/Basic/ with a web browser to retrieve the token, however Logic Machine script no longer works.
Pointing a web browser at the Powerwall yields a NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error, which one can click through, however the Logic Machine script can't get past this
The SSL certificate used by Tesla and discussed here https://github.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2. - but don't know how to work around this in the script.
Does anyone have another way that I can connect with logic machine using the IP address to get around this (SSL certificate?) issue?
Many thanks in advance
Kind Regards
For a few months now I've been connecting our SHAC / LogicMachine to our TeslaPowerwall to load-shift our electricity usage between the battery and the grid in response to the 30 minute electricity pricing provided by Amber Electric. This has worked really well and we have seen our energy bills fall by about 50%.
Tesla pushed a firmware update the the Powerwall today (v21.20.2) which is causing an error with the local login script. The remote login script for control of the Powerwall still works well).
Here is the local login script which is no longer working...
https = require('ssl.https')
json = require('json')
https.TIMEOUT = 5
loginURL = 'https://POWERWALLGATEWAY/api/login/Basic'
loginBody = "{\"username\":\"customer\",\"password\":\"MYPASS\", \"email\":\"MY@EMAIL.COM\",\"force_sm_off\":false}"
loginPostResponse = {}
res, err, loginResponseHeaders, status = https.request
url = loginURL,
method = 'POST',
protocol = 'tlsv12',
headers =
['Accept'] = '*/*',
['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
['Content-Length'] = loginBody:len()
source = ltn12.source.string(loginBody),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(loginPostResponse)
log(res, err, loginResponseHeaders) -- DEBUG
if loginPostResponse then
mmm_cookies = loginResponseHeaders['set-cookie']
if mmm_cookies then
token = mmm_cookies:match('(AuthCookie=[^;]+)'..';')
log ("Successfully retrieved local Tesla Powerwall Login Token " .. token)
Now, I get the following error
attempt to index global 'loginResponseHeaders' (a nil value)
and the debug line returns
* arg: 1
* nil
* arg: 2
* string: closed
* arg: 3
* nil
when trying to connect to the Powerwall with the above code.
Previously POWERWALLGATEWAY was a DNS name, however the PowerWall now drops the connection unless an IP address is used in a web browser. I can connect ok to https://POWERWALLGATEWAY/api/login/Basic/ with a web browser to retrieve the token, however Logic Machine script no longer works.
Pointing a web browser at the Powerwall yields a NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error, which one can click through, however the Logic Machine script can't get past this
The SSL certificate used by Tesla and discussed here https://github.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2. - but don't know how to work around this in the script.
Does anyone have another way that I can connect with logic machine using the IP address to get around this (SSL certificate?) issue?
Many thanks in advance
Kind Regards