That works and I can grab the AuthCookie as follows
Many thanks!
My previous logic to retrieve info from the various API endpoints on the Powerwall also needs to be updated to pass the AuthCookie.
How can I use client : send to send the cooke as part of a GET request?
And also is there an easy way to return the result to a table to allow easy extraction of the returned data?
Here's the old code I'm trying to update
Many thanks
Kind Regards
Many thanks!
My previous logic to retrieve info from the various API endpoints on the Powerwall also needs to be updated to pass the AuthCookie.
How can I use client : send to send the cooke as part of a GET request?
And also is there an easy way to return the result to a table to allow easy extraction of the returned data?
Here's the old code I'm trying to update
requestURL = 'https://POWERWALLGATEWAYIP/api/meters/aggregates'
requestData = ''
requestPostResponse = {}
token = GetUserParam('Wired', 'TeslaPowerwallLocalAccessToken')
res, err, commandPostHeaders, status = https.request
url = requestURL,
method = 'GET',
protocol = 'tlsv12',
headers =
cookie = token,
['Accept'] = '*/*',
['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',
['Content-Length'] = requestData:len()
source = ltn12.source.string(requestURL),
sink = ltn12.sink.table(requestPostResponse)
if err == 200 then
mydata = json.pdecode(table.concat(requestPostResponse))
teslaPowerwallPercentCharged = mydata.percentage
log('Error retrieving Tesla Powerwall Battery Charge ' .. tostring(err))
Many thanks
Kind Regards