27.10.2016, 16:33
I installed this package and I am using this script:
and when I am trying to use this script I have the answer:
-- send an e-mail
function mail(to, subject, message)
-- make sure these settings are correct
local settings = {
-- "from" field, only e-mail must be specified here
from = 'my@gmail.com',
-- smtp username
user = 'my@gmail.com',
-- smtp password
password = 'my_password',
-- smtp server
server = 'smtp.gmail.com',
-- smtp server port
port = 465,
-- enable ssl, required for gmail smtp
secure = 'sslv23',
local smtp = require('socket.smtp')
if type(to) ~= 'table' then
to = { to }
for index, email in ipairs(to) do
to[ index ] = '<' .. tostring(email) .. '>'
-- message headers and body
settings.source = smtp.message({
headers = {
to = table.concat(to, ', '),
subject = subject,
['Content-type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8',
body = message
-- fixup from field
settings.from = '<' .. tostring(settings.from) .. '>'
settings.rcpt = to
return smtp.send(settings)
and when I am trying to use this script I have the answer:
* arg: 1
* nil
* arg: 2
* string: revcd alert fatal error