(14.12.2021, 09:58)Daniel Wrote: This is full list for the internal or RS485 dali gateway. If you use canX DALI then all commands are in the app.
What are you looking for?
Commands for lua scripts. Do these gateways have different commands?
CanX DALI have good app! But there are not all the possibilities.
(14.12.2021, 10:14)admin Wrote: DT8 commands are not documented there, number in brackets is DALI command number:
All query commands expect a reply from the ballast. Refer to the DALI standard for more info on these commands.Code:setdtr1 (195) set dtr1, similar to setdtr
setdtr2 (197) set dtr1, similar to setdtr
setx (224)
sety (225)
activate (226)
stepupx (227)
stepdownx (228)
stepupy (229)
stepdowny (230)
setcolortemp (231)
colortempcooler (232)
colortempwarmer (233)
setprimarydimlevel (234)
setrgbdimlevel (235)
setwafdimlevel (236)
setrgbwafcontrol (237)
copyreport (238)
storetyprimary (240)
storexyprimary (241)
storecolortemplimit (242)
storegearfeatures (243)
assigncolortolinked (245)
startautocalibration (246)
querygearfeatures (247)
querycolorstatus (248)
querycolorfeatures (249)
querycolorvalue (250)
queryrgbwafcontrol (251)
queryassignedcolor (252)
Thanks! Have extended DT1 (emergency test, battery status, etc) and DT6 & DT50,DT51,DT52 (Energy Reporting, diagnostics, etc) commands?