Hello there
Thax alot, now that works :-)
now there comes a new challanges, I want to find state of EV car, It is now posible for me to get the POST that makes me get the Bearer Authorization, but cannot get it out of the string?, and from there how do I make ep GET command with it?
THIS IS MY res string, where I need to get access_token value/string out from:
string: {"id":"cfed0e4d6351407dae165944745d48f","access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJjZmVkMGU0ZC02MzUxLTQwN2QtYWUxNi0yNTk0NDc0NWQ0OGYiLCJhcHBJZCI6Ijg3NzhjMTM4LTQ0ODgtNGU2Ni1iMmZhLTY3NGUyYmQ2NGYyMiIsInZlaGljbGVJZCI6bnVsbCwic2NvcGVzIjpbInJlYWRfYmF0dGVyeSIsInJlYWRfY2FyZHMiLCJyZWFkX2NoYXJnZXBvaW50cyIsInJlYWRfaWRsZXMiLCJyZWFkX2xvY2F0aW9uIiwicmVhZF9vZG9tZXRlciIsInJlYWeHAiOjE2NDQ1OTU0ODQsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxhdGZvcm0udHJvbml0eS5pbyIsImlzcyI6InBsYXRmb3JtLnRyb25pdHkuaW8ifQ.AWboomF9whW6udiSzWsWyWvlhu9ZpmdEN9IKrbFOHIM","expires_in":3600,"token_type":"bearer"}
And this is my URL I need to GET with above bearer Authorization
url = 'https://api-eu.TRONITY.io/v1/vehicles/{CAR ID HERE}/bulk'
Thax alot, now that works :-)
Created: 2022-02-09
Get eletric pricing from Norpol the next 24 hours and set car charge when good :-)
It works now, needs to sort out lowest rates and so on
https = require 'ssl.https'
local data = ' '
local url = ' '
local priser = {klokken, pris}
local end_i = 11
-- if hour is <= 13 it must stop at 23 hours (no new prices yet)
-- if hour is > 13 there are prices until followering midnight (more than 24 hours
if tonumber(os.date('%H', os.time())) <= 12 then
end_i = 23 - tonumber(os.date('%H', os.time()))
end_i = (23 - tonumber(os.date('%H', os.time()))) + 24
-- Get prices for the next hours, defined in "end_i"
-- Prices are from Norpol energy trader
-- They are from west region Denmark
for i=0, end_i do
data = os.date('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00', (os.time() + (3600*i)))
url = 'https://api.energidataservice.dk/datastore_search?resource_id=elspotprices&filters=%7B%22HourDK%22:%22' .. data .. '%22,%22PriceArea%22:%22DK1%22%7D' -- Here is the requst string :-)
status = ssl.https.request(url) -- Here comes reply from server
data = json.decode(status) -- Decode the Json file
price = data.result.records[1].SpotPriceDKK / 1000 -- Find price in DKK ører for bellow time
time = data.result.records[1].HourDK -- Time of above price expected
-- Extra cost from 17 to 20 hour at Konstant net (as we uses)
if (os.date('%H' , (os.time() + (3600*i)))) == '17' or (os.date('%H' , (os.time() + (3600*i)))) == '18' or (os.date('%H' , (os.time() + (3600*i)))) == '19' then
price = price + konstant_ekstra_tariff_17_20
priser[i] = {klokken = tonumber(os.date('%H' , os.time() + (3600*i))),pris = price}-- store price and time for price
log(priser) -- Here are recorded data
-- find when prices are lowest in the forcast
local pos = 0
local tester = 20
for i=0, end_i do
if tester > priser[i].pris then
pos = i
tester = priser[i].pris
log (priser[pos]) -- This is the most cheap hour
now there comes a new challanges, I want to find state of EV car, It is now posible for me to get the POST that makes me get the Bearer Authorization, but cannot get it out of the string?, and from there how do I make ep GET command with it?
Created: 2022-02-10
Get state of charge from car
function encodepost(t)
local res = {}
local esc = require('socket.url').escape
for k, v in pairs(t) do
res[ #res + 1 ] = esc(k) .. '=' .. esc(v)
return table.concat(res, '&')
url = 'https://api-eu.TRONITY.io/oauth/authentication'
payload = encodepost({
client_id = "WRITE IT HERE",
client_secret = "WRITE IT HERE",
grant_type = "app"
res, err, headers, status = socket.http.request(url, payload)
--log(res, err, headers, status)
if err == 201 then -- Get Bearer Authorization
log(res) -- Here is the Bearer Authorization in how do I get the access_token out? And how do I do a json GET with that token?
THIS IS MY res string, where I need to get access_token value/string out from:
string: {"id":"cfed0e4d6351407dae165944745d48f","access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJjZmVkMGU0ZC02MzUxLTQwN2QtYWUxNi0yNTk0NDc0NWQ0OGYiLCJhcHBJZCI6Ijg3NzhjMTM4LTQ0ODgtNGU2Ni1iMmZhLTY3NGUyYmQ2NGYyMiIsInZlaGljbGVJZCI6bnVsbCwic2NvcGVzIjpbInJlYWRfYmF0dGVyeSIsInJlYWRfY2FyZHMiLCJyZWFkX2NoYXJnZXBvaW50cyIsInJlYWRfaWRsZXMiLCJyZWFkX2xvY2F0aW9uIiwicmVhZF9vZG9tZXRlciIsInJlYWeHAiOjE2NDQ1OTU0ODQsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vcGxhdGZvcm0udHJvbml0eS5pbyIsImlzcyI6InBsYXRmb3JtLnRyb25pdHkuaW8ifQ.AWboomF9whW6udiSzWsWyWvlhu9ZpmdEN9IKrbFOHIM","expires_in":3600,"token_type":"bearer"}
And this is my URL I need to GET with above bearer Authorization
url = 'https://api-eu.TRONITY.io/v1/vehicles/{CAR ID HERE}/bulk'