(16.03.2022, 09:25)admin Wrote: Can you post the scripts that you are using now?
Thanks for the question and apologies for not responding sooner. I did not notice your response.
I created two different scripts. The first one responds to the PIR. For that, I modified the beautiful Staircase logic. See my explanation in the script. I added a lot of logs to find for myself why it doesn't work properly.
With the second script I want to achieve that if the lamp is turned off (manually or by a program or by another script), that the running first script then stops, that the lamp goes off, and the next time it comes on again dimmed.
In practice, it works well, until we go to bed. Usually the lamp goes off first and then on again. Also, regularly the lamp goes directly on at the brighter setting. So then the brighter setting is the same as the standard setting.
It would be best if this could work with just 1 script. I would like to use this script in more places in the house (and especially outside).
Here are the scripts:
-- Note that at 3/0/7 there is also a script, which should stop this staircase if the lamp is turned on/off.
-- Only react to PIR going on, not going off:
inputvalue = event.getvalue
if (event.getvalue() == false or event.getvalue() == 0) then
-- ** Staircase logic with external time object and retriggering on input object Version 3.1 ** --
-- ****************************** Created by Erwin van der Zwart **************************** --
-- ************************************** SET PARAMETERS ************************************ --
-- Set input address
AddressInput = '9/0/1'
-- Set output address
AddressOutput = '1/1/7'
-- Set unique name for staircase timer (to avoid same storage name usage)
StaircaseName = 'PIR_LAMP_HAL'
-- Set external time address (optional)
AddressExternalTime = ''
-- Use time left indication
UseTimeLeft = false -- Set to true if time left indication will be used
-- Set feedback adress of time left indication (optional)
AddressTimeLeft = ''
-- Set time delay (Used when external time is not available)
SetDelay = 15
-- Seconds or Minutes
SetSec = true-- Set to false for Minutes
-- Set factor delay (Multiplies Delay)
SetFac = 1
-- Logic can be turned of by value 0
Off_by_Value_Zero = false
-- Additions for brightening the lamp on motion dd 14-01-2022:
Schemer = grp.getvalue('6/0/6') -- If it is dusk, this is set to 1.
AanStandHal = grp.getvalue('3/0/7') -- This indicates whether lamp is on when the script starts.
DimStandHal = grp.getvalue('3/2/7') -- This is the dimming value at the start of the script.
AdressOpgeslagenBeginStandHal = '1/2/7'-- Dim value field especially for this script to save initial state (I don't manage to keep this in memory)
OpgeslagenBeginStandHal = grp.getvalue(AdressOpgeslagenBeginStandHal)
TijdelijkHarderHal = grp.getvalue('39/1/1') -- This contains the (brighter) dimming value that the lamp should temporarily be at (e.g. 90%)
-- If DimStandHal is set to 0, the lamp is off, and nothing needs to happen. Nothing needs to happen when there is no twilight either.
if (DimStandHal) == 0 or (Schemer) == false then
--log('return because hall lamp not on or no dusk')
-- If DimStandHal == TemporaryHarderHal, then the script has run before. Then nothing should happen. Otherwise save current value.
if DimStandHal == TijdelijkHarderHal then
--log ('DimStandHal gelijk aan TijdelijkeHarderHal')
--log ('OpgeslagenBeginStandHal is'..OpgeslagenBeginStandHal)
--log ('TijdelijkHarderHal is'..TijdelijkHarderHal)
-- do nothing
grp.write(AdressOpgeslagenBeginStandHal, DimStandHal)
OpgeslagenBeginStandHal = grp.getvalue(AdressOpgeslagenBeginStandHal)
--log ('Nieuwe start script (Else)')
--log ('OpgeslagenBeginStandHal is'..OpgeslagenBeginStandHal)
--log ('DimStandHal is'..DimStandHal)
--log ('TijdelijkHarderHal is'..TijdelijkHarderHal)
-- ************************************** END PARAMETERS ************************************ --
-- *************************** DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING UNDER THIS LINE ************************ --
inputvalue = event.getvalue
if Off_by_Value_Zero == false and (event.getvalue() == false or event.getvalue() == 0) then
-- Exit script
ValueInput = grp.getvalue(AddressInput)
ValueOutput = grp.getvalue(AddressOutput)
ValueExternalTime = grp.getvalue(AddressExternalTime)
if SetSec == true then
SetSeconds = 1
SetSeconds = 60
if ValueExternalTime == nil then
ValueExternalTime = 0
if ValueExternalTime > 0 then
StairCaseTime = ValueExternalTime * SetSeconds * SetFac
StairCaseTime = SetDelay * SetSeconds * SetFac
if ValueInput == true then
--check for earlier started scrips
--check storage for stpid value
stpid = storage.get(StaircaseName)
--check if stpid has a value
if stpid == nil then
pid = os.getpid()
storage.set(StaircaseName, pid)
-- kill earlier running script
os.kill(stpid, signal.SIGKILL)
-- create new pid for next time to kill
pid = os.getpid()
storage.set(StaircaseName, pid)
if ValueOutput < TijdelijkHarderHal then
grp.write(AddressOutput, TijdelijkHarderHal)
ValueOutput = true
-- Check time left indication is used
if UseTimeLeft == true then
if StairCaseTime > 0 then
grp.update(AddressTimeLeft, StairCaseTime)
StairCaseTime = StairCaseTime - 1
grp.update(AddressTimeLeft, StairCaseTime)
until StairCaseTime == 0
ValueOutput = grp.getvalue(AddressOutput)
if ValueOutput == TijdelijkHarderHal then
ValueInput = grp.getvalue(AddressInput)
if ValueInput == true then
grp.write(AddressInput, false)
ValueInput = false
if Off_by_Value_Zero == false then
if ValueOutput == TijdelijkHarderHal then
grp.write(AddressOutput, OpgeslagenBeginStandHal) -- value here was 0, but to OpgeslagenBeginStandHal to set it back to this position.
ValueOutput = 0
-- Do nothing, this will trigger else condition below on next run
--check for earlier started scrips
--check storage for stpid value
stpid = storage.get(StaircaseName)
--check if stpid has a value
if stpid == nil then
-- kill earlier running script
os.kill(stpid, signal.SIGKILL)
grp.update(AddressTimeLeft, 0)
pid = nil
storage.set(StaircaseName, pid)
-- Terugschrijven naar beginstand
if ValueOutput == TijdelijkHarderHal then
--log ('ValueOutput == TijdelijkHarderHal')
grp.write(AddressOutput, OpgeslagenBeginStandHal)
--When switching this lamp, any running script on the hall PIR (9/0/1) is stopped.
--This script is activacted at 3/0/7 and 0/1/1 (group lighting downstairs)
StaircaseName = 'PIR_LAMP_HAL'
stpid = storage.get(StaircaseName)
os.kill(stpid, signal.SIGKILL)
grp.update(AddressTimeLeft, 0)
pid = nil
storage.set(StaircaseName, pid)
-- If script is turned off, while the lamp is louder during the PIR script, then the "old" DimValue must be written over the feedback.
-- The idea is that the lamp then starts up the next time with the harder setting (on which it went out) and then automatically dims back to the old dimming value.
OpgeslagenDimWaarde = grp.getvalue('1/2/7')
grp.write('3/2/7', OpgeslagenDimWaarde)