19.09.2022, 07:43
Can you confirm that this script by erwin Van der Zwart that i adapted allows you to send all the trends to a remote FTP server?
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards.
Can you confirm that this script by erwin Van der Zwart that i adapted allows you to send all the trends to a remote FTP server?
--** Email trendlog data as CSV attachment created by Erwin van der Zwart **--
--************ For HL from FW 1.5 and SL from FW 1.2 with NGINX ************--
--*************************** Start of parameters **************************--
-- Version 1.1 *************************************************************--
--Mettre la valeur true pour exporter l'ensemble des courbes :
export_all = true
-- mettre le noms de chaque courbes que vous souhaitez exporter (Seulement utilisé quand : export_all = false)
trendnames = {
"Total Electric Usage",
"Total Water Usage",
"Total Gas Usage",
trends_table = db:getall('SELECT name FROM trends ORDER BY name DESC')
if export_all == false then
i = 1
for _, trend_names in ipairs(trends_table) do
delete_from_table = true
for _, trendname in ipairs(trendnames) do
if trendname == trend_names.name then
delete_from_table = false
if delete_from_table == true then
table.remove(trends_table, i)
i = i + 1
if #trends_table < 1 then
log("No trends available, Could not export trends")
buffer = {}
table.insert(buffer, '"This file contains the export data of ' .. #trends_table .. ' trend(s) and is automaticly created on ' .. os.date("%A",os.time()) .. ' ' .. os.date("%d-%m-%y at %H:%M") .. '"')
table.insert(buffer, '""')
local months = { "Januari", "Februari", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }
for _, trend_names in ipairs(trends_table) do
trend_name = trend_names.name
table.insert(buffer, '"##### START OF TREND ' .. _ .. ': ' .. trend_name .. ' #####"')
table.insert(buffer, '""')
timestamp = os.time()
startpoint = os.date('*t', timestamp)
endpoint = os.date('*t')
startpoint.sec = 0
startpoint.min = 0
startpoint.hour = 0
startpoint.yday = startpoint.yday - (startpoint.day -1)
startpoint.day = 1
startpoint.wday = 1
endpoint.sec = 0
endpoint.min = 0
endpoint.hour = 0
endpoint.yday = endpoint.yday - (endpoint.day -1)
endpoint.day = 1
endpoint.wday = 1
dates = {}
dates['start'] = startpoint
if dates['start'].month == 1 then
dates['start'].month = 12
dates['start'].year = dates['start'].year - 1
dates['start'].month = dates['start'].month - 1
dates['end'] = endpoint
dates['end'].month = dates['start'].month + 1
resolution = 86400
trenddatamonth = trends.fetch(trend_name, dates, resolution)
trenddatamonthavg = trends.fetchone(trend_name, dates, resolution)
table.insert(buffer, '"Export of the average usage of the month ' .. months[dates['start'].month] .. ' from trend ' .. trend_name .. '"')
table.insert(buffer, '""')
table.insert(buffer, '"Start date","End Date","Average month value"')
table.insert(buffer, '"01-' .. string.format("%02d", dates['start'].month) .. "-" .. dates['start'].year .. '","' .. #trenddatamonth .. '-' .. string.format("%02d", dates['start'].month) .. "-" .. dates['start'].year .. '","' .. trenddatamonthavg .. '"')
table.insert(buffer, '""')
table.insert(buffer, '"Detailed export of the daily usage of the month ' .. months[dates['start'].month] .. ' from trend ' .. trend_name .. '"')
table.insert(buffer, '""')
table.insert(buffer, '"Weekday","Date","Average day value"')
for _, row in ipairs(trenddatamonth) do
stamp = dates['start'].year .. '-' .. dates['start'].month .. '-' .. string.format("%02d", _)
local y, m, d = stamp:match("(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)")
local t = { year = y, month = m, day = d}
csv = string.format('%q,%q,%q', os.date("%A",os.time(t)), "" .. string.format("%02d", _) .. "-" .. string.format("%02d", dates['start'].month) .. "-" .. dates['start'].year, row)
table.insert(buffer, csv)
table.insert(buffer, '""')
table.insert(buffer, '"##### END OF TREND ' .. _ .. ': ' .. trend_name .. ' #####"')
table.insert(buffer, '""')
src = 'Trend Export '.. os.date('%Y-%m-%d %H#%M#%S') .. '.csv'
dst = '/home/ftp/' .. src
io.writefile(dst, buffer)
local ftp = require("socket.ftp")
local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
-- Indiquer le dossier du serveur FTP dans lequel vous souhaitez mettre le fichier CSV des courbes
target = '/EXPORT/Courbes/' .. src
f, e = ftp.put{
host = "",
user = "FTP-User",
password = "my_password",
type = "i",
argument = target,
source = ltn12.source.file(io.open(dst, "rb"))
if (e) then
log (e)
log (f)
alert("Could not ftp: ", e, "\n")
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards.