01.05.2023, 07:43
Create a scheduled script that runs every minute:
Make sure that you are running the latest firmware. There was a bug that causes grp.getvalue() to return nil in rare cases.
See this for a possible cause that Schedulers are not visible: https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthrea...3#pid28493
function tomin(t)
return t.hour * 60 + t.min
ontime = grp.getvalue('31/1/13')
offtime = grp.getvalue('31/1/14')
now = tomin(os.date('*t'))
on = tomin(ontime) <= now and now <= tomin(offtime)
grp.checkwrite('31/1/15', on)
See this for a possible cause that Schedulers are not visible: https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthrea...3#pid28493