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Solaredge Control of inverter power output
(27.03.2024, 16:08)Daniel Wrote:

Thanks, that works great for me. But now i have all readable values from the inverter. I like to control the output from the inverter as described in:

Question 1: On Page 3 i see some info, but don't know how to start.
Register  61442,  61443,  61762 and 61700 doesn't return any value.

Question 2: Is there an easy way to display the returned values as readable text?

mb = luamodbus.tcp()
mb:open('x.x.x.x', 1502)
res, err = mb:connect()
if res then
  r0 = mb:readregisters(40069) -- 101 = single phase, 102 = split phase, 103 = three phase
  r1 = mb:readregisters(61440) -- RRCR State 
  r2 = mb:readregisters(61441) -- Active Power Limit
  r3a = mb:readregisters(61442) -- CosPhi 1/2
  r3b = mb:readregisters(61443) -- CosPhi 2/2
  log(r1, r2, r3a, r3b)
  --To enable the dynamic power control mode, set the following:
  -- AdvancedPwrControlEn on address 0xF142 to 1 (enable). It is disabled (0) by default. -1.0 - 1.0 (61762)
  -- ReactivePwrConfig on address 0xF104 to 4 (RRCR mode). It is set by default to 0 (Fixed CosPhi mode). (61700)
  -- Issue a Commit Power Control Settings command on address 0xF100 in order to make this setting effective. (61696)
  r4 = mb:readregisters(61762) -- AdvancedPwrControlEn 
  r5 = mb:readregisters(61700) -- ReactivePwrConfig
  r6 = mb:readregisters(61696) -- Commit Power
  log(r4, r5, r6)
  log('connect failed', err)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Solaredge Control of inverter power output - by gjniewenhuijse - 28.03.2024, 07:09

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