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Lutron send command
I have a project with Lutron integration and I follwed the thread below to setup LM.

While LM successfully works as listener and I can see everry log from Lutron device and button,
any Lutron command that I send does not seem to be reaching and nothing will be shown in the log.

My event script is pretty simple as below. (I have lutron user script and resident script as shown in the forum thread above)

tcp, err = lutron_login()
if not tcp then
  log('no connection to device', err)

Other things that I tried;
・I used ping command of LM network utility and checked if LM can reach Lutron interface and it was successfull.
・I confirmed lutron_login function returns response "QNET>" which proves login to the Lutron interface is successful.
・I installed telnet command on my PC (which is located in the same network as LM) and tried executing Lutron commands and it was successful.

Could you think of any reason that I cannnot execute command from LM event script?

Messages In This Thread
Lutron send command - by Hadeel - 31.05.2024, 08:17
RE: Lutron send command - by admin - 31.05.2024, 09:21
RE: Lutron send command - by Hadeel - 05.06.2024, 04:08

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