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Connector Bridge RS485 Interface
Use this script to send a command and receive a reply from the bridge. Make sure that only a single script instance is running at any time. Serial port cannot be shared between multiple concurrent scripts.


port ='/dev/RS485-1', { baudrate = 9600 })

function readreply()
  local line = {}

  while true do
    local char, err = port:read(1, 5)

    if char == nil then
      return nil, err
    elseif char == ';' then
      line[ #line + 1 ] = char

  return table.concat(line)

command = '!000V?;'

res, err = readreply()
log(res, err)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Connector Bridge RS485 Interface - by admin - 05.06.2024, 07:12

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