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Creat logs in txt file
(18.06.2024, 08:36)admin Wrote: Script from post #2 won't create a file if there are no logs in the given period.
what do you mean? I don't quite understand, do you mean this script? Sad
-- Set logtime start-end and date to get past day data
date ='*t')
log_end=os.time(date)-1 = - 1

dates = {
['start'] = date,
['end'] ='*t'),

-- Log filename

-- list of objects by id
objects = {}

-- Select objects address and datatype
query = 'SELECT address, datatype, name FROM objects'
for _, object in ipairs(db:getall(query)) do
objects[ tonumber(object.address) ] = {
datatype = tonumber(object.datatype),
name = tostring( or ''),

-- csv buffer
buffer = { '"date","address","name","value"' }

-- get object logs
-- query = 'SELECT src, address, datahex, logtime, eventtype FROM objectlog WHERE logtime >= ? ORDER BY id DESC'
query = 'SELECT * FROM objectlog WHERE logtime >='..log_start.. ' and logtime<=' .. log_end.. ' ORDER BY id'
for _, row in ipairs(db:getall(query)) do
object = objects[ tonumber(row.address) ]
-- found matching object and event type is group write
if object and row.eventtype == 'write' then
datatype = object.datatype

-- check that object datatype is set
if datatype then
-- decode data
data = knxdatatype.decode(row.datahex, datatype)

-- remove null chars from char/string datatype
if datatype == dt.char or datatype == dt.string then
data = data:gsub('%z+', '')
-- date to DD.MM.YYYY
elseif datatype == then
data = string.format('%.2d.%.2d.%.2d',, data.month, data.year)
-- time to HH:MM:SS
elseif datatype == dt.time then
data = string.format('%.2d:%.2d:%.2d', data.hour, data.minute, data.second)
data = ''

-- format csv row
logdate ='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', row.logtime)
csv = string.format('%q,%q,%q,%q', logdate, knxlib.decodega(row.address),, tostring(data))

-- add to buffer
table.insert(buffer, csv)

-- write file only when there's data in buffer
if #buffer > 1 then
result, err = io.writefile ('/home/ftp/'..logfile, table.concat(buffer, '\r\n'))
log('Created log file '..logfile)

-- error while writing
if err then
alert('File write error: %s', tostring(err))

Messages In This Thread
Creat logs in txt file - by deimostier - 27.04.2017, 14:03
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by gtsamis - 27.04.2017, 21:55
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by deimostier - 02.05.2017, 14:41
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by gtsamis - 02.05.2017, 14:51
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by mjaanes - 02.04.2020, 10:11
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by admin - 02.04.2020, 11:20
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by tassiebean - 12.06.2020, 15:10
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by Trond Hoyem - 13.08.2020, 09:46
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by Trond Hoyem - 07.01.2021, 12:02
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by admin - 12.06.2020, 15:47
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by tassiebean - 13.06.2020, 03:20
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by admin - 13.08.2020, 11:12
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by admin - 07.01.2021, 12:14
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by phongvucba - 18.06.2024, 08:03
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by admin - 18.06.2024, 08:14
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by phongvucba - 18.06.2024, 08:27
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by Daniel - 18.06.2024, 08:33
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by phongvucba - 18.06.2024, 08:35
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by admin - 18.06.2024, 08:36
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by phongvucba - 18.06.2024, 08:44
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by Daniel - 18.06.2024, 08:48
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by phongvucba - 18.06.2024, 08:57
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by Daniel - 18.06.2024, 09:02
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by phongvucba - 18.06.2024, 09:12
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by Daniel - 18.06.2024, 09:12
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by admin - 18.06.2024, 09:15
RE: Creat logs in txt file - by phongvucba - 18.06.2024, 10:00

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