04.07.2024, 08:17
(21.06.2024, 08:49)Daniel Wrote: Make a backup, then use the recovery image to reflash SD with latest fw and restore backup. You can send us the backup via PM to check.
Hello, I am sorry to insist, but I had the same problem with a brand new LM that already had 2024 firmware installed when taking it out of its box. I have the feeling that the websocket /scada-main/objects/ws-main is not accessible anymore in plain HTTP (as opposed to HTTPS).
Steps to reproduce :
- Connect to the Home screen of the LM in plain HTTP
- Open Chrome DevTools
- Open the main app "LogicMachine"
- Then, in DevTools, the following error will show:
Quote:10-objects.js.gz?version=20240228:1 WebSocket connection to 'ws://xxxxx/scada-main/objects/ws-main' failed:
start @ 10-objects.js.gz?version=20240228:1
(anonymous) @ 10-objects.js.gz?version=20240228:1
To be more precise, in the script 10-objects.js.gz, the error occurs in the method localbus.start():
Scada.Objects = {};
var $O = Scada.Objects
, localbus = {
warn: function(e, t) {
window.console && console.warn(e, t || "")
start: function() {
var e = window.location
, t = (-1 == e.protocol.indexOf("https") ? "ws" : "wss") + "://" + e.host + Scada.reqUrl("objects", "ws-main")
, a = new WebSocket(t)
, s = this;
The ternary operator indicates that "wss://" will be chosen if the connection to the LM is established in HTTPS, and "ws://" will be chosen if it's in HTTP.
And then, the connection using "ws://" fails. Maybe in the 2024 this WebSocket doesn't work anymore with "ws" instead of "wss"? Can you please confirm or infirm this assertion?
The consequence of this error is that in HTTP, the objects don't show in the LogicMachine web interface. In HTTPS everything works fine.
Thank you in advance for your help.