Thank you.
it worked but I think the ciphertext is not correct --> Here is the response string: {"code":1004,"msg":"sign invalid","success":false,"t
local ciphertext = client_id .. access_token .. t .. nonce .. identifier .. stringToSign
What is the identifer for Wiser?
identifier: The custom signature content for app authorization. When the authorization type is Android, you need to concatenate SHA1 and Application ID to form an identifier without a separator. For other types, you can directly use the customized Bundle Identifier.
it worked but I think the ciphertext is not correct --> Here is the response string: {"code":1004,"msg":"sign invalid","success":false,"t
local ciphertext = client_id .. access_token .. t .. nonce .. identifier .. stringToSign
What is the identifer for Wiser?
identifier: The custom signature content for app authorization. When the authorization type is Android, you need to concatenate SHA1 and Application ID to form an identifier without a separator. For other types, you can directly use the customized Bundle Identifier.