23.01.2025, 10:21
great, thank you.
I think it works in a way.
this is the setting from the weatherstation
this is the log:
is the "timeout" in the arg2 a problem ?
can we make a "filter" for the values in the string?
temp = 39.0
humidity = 87
and so on...
I think it works in a way.
this is the setting from the weatherstation
this is the log:
* arg: 1
* nil
* arg: 2
* string: timeout
* arg: 3
* string: GET /shitboxID=1&PASSWORD=1&tempf=39.0&humidity=87&dewptf=35.4&windchillf=29.8&winddir=290&windspeedmph=17.22&windgustmph=21.70&rainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.043&weeklyrainin=0.043&monthlyrainin=0.272&yearlyrainin=0.272&totalrainin=0.272&solarradiation=87.46&UV=0&indoortempf=59.9&indoorhumidity=47&absbaromin=27.094&baromin=27.094&lowbatt=0&dateutc=now&softwaretype=EasyWeatherPro_V5.0.9&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5 HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Connection: Close
is the "timeout" in the arg2 a problem ?
can we make a "filter" for the values in the string?
temp = 39.0
humidity = 87
and so on...