21.03.2017, 12:38
(07.03.2017, 09:17)admin Wrote: You can also use event.sender value to check who triggered the event. It will be "bus" for outside telegrams and "us" for user interface. This way you can ignore cases when your script is executed by another script.
That worked very well, and was a lot more elegant as I only need one script pr set of meeting rooms. I can now add as many different addresses and DPT as needed to control two meetin rooms in this way;
ga = event.dst
value = event.getvalue()
Magnet = grp.getvalue('1/1/37') -- Input from magnetinc switch on the wall
Meeting1 = {'1/1/33', '1/1/35'} -- Addresses in room 1. List can be as long as desired. Address [id] MUST comply with [id] in 'Meeting2'!
Meeting2 = {'1/1/34', '1/1/36'} -- Adresses in room 2. List can be as long as desired. Address [id] MUST comply with [id] in 'Meeting1'!
-----------------------NO CHANGES BELOW THIS LINE------------------------------------------
if event.sender == 'bus' then
if Magnet == true then
-- When pushing buttons in room 1
for id, addr in ipairs(Meeting1) do
if (ga == addr) then
grp.write(Meeting2[id], value)
-- When pushing buttons in room 2
for id, addr in ipairs(Meeting2) do
if (ga == addr) then
grp.write(Meeting1[id], value)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who can read binary and those who don't