For the people which would be interested in this problem, that's why Chrome does not answer has .play() !
Here is the solution to disable the user gesture.
Chrome for Android: You can disable the 'gesture required' flag by going to 'about:flags' in your chrome. Then find the flag 'disable gesture requirement for media playback' and click 'enable', at the bottom of the page box will appear that says 'Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Google Chrome' and a button 'Relaunch Now'. Click the button. You can now start videos via javascript.
For some reason this seems to be the best kept secret on the Internet. I searched for months before finding this.
For the people which would be interested in this problem, that's why Chrome does not answer has .play() !
Here is the solution to disable the user gesture.
Chrome for Android: You can disable the 'gesture required' flag by going to 'about:flags' in your chrome. Then find the flag 'disable gesture requirement for media playback' and click 'enable', at the bottom of the page box will appear that says 'Your changes will take effect the next time you relaunch Google Chrome' and a button 'Relaunch Now'. Click the button. You can now start videos via javascript.
For some reason this seems to be the best kept secret on the Internet. I searched for months before finding this.