Please add a small "read" button to Objects. Alternatively it can be part of "Set Object Value" dialogue. I know I can do it through ETS or by custom code but this small improvement would increase user experience and costs almost nothing.
And yes, as forsterm wrote please add list of objects. It's not necessary to limit it to "duplicate" function. What I really need is a simple table like "Objects" table is. With columns: Window name, Object type, both positions and sizes, Main object, Status objects, Read-only, Hide in touch, Additional Classes etc. With button Mass edit and Mass delete.
Plus add simple transformation logic into Mass Edit functions. Like if I write +20 it increases 20 to the value. If I write +some_new_tag the dialogue adds "some_new_tag" tag into tag list of all affected objects without deleting previously inserted tags. And so on.
Hi, FYI different start page for every user has been solved through javascript. Look here, works with a charm. https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthread.php?tid=1145
Please add a small "read" button to Objects. Alternatively it can be part of "Set Object Value" dialogue. I know I can do it through ETS or by custom code but this small improvement would increase user experience and costs almost nothing.
And yes, as forsterm wrote please add list of objects. It's not necessary to limit it to "duplicate" function. What I really need is a simple table like "Objects" table is. With columns: Window name, Object type, both positions and sizes, Main object, Status objects, Read-only, Hide in touch, Additional Classes etc. With button Mass edit and Mass delete.
Plus add simple transformation logic into Mass Edit functions. Like if I write +20 it increases 20 to the value. If I write +some_new_tag the dialogue adds "some_new_tag" tag into tag list of all affected objects without deleting previously inserted tags. And so on.
(15.02.2018, 16:15)suporte.arqtech Wrote: My wishlist:
Visualization editting
1. Select multiple objects when creating the pages, for better results and increase produtivity;
2. Tools for organization of the elements, e.g alignment between the selected elements and the pages, as well as the elements betwen themselves. Equal distance of the selected elements;
3. Undo/redo buttons;
4. Configurable alert pop-ups with confirmation on any page by a default in the LM.
Access to visualization
1. Remote access of the custom visualization;
2. Different start page for each user.
Hi, FYI different start page for every user has been solved through javascript. Look here, works with a charm. https://forum.logicmachine.net/showthread.php?tid=1145
LM5Lp, firmware: 2018.08.22 and 2021.12.15, FlashSYS v2, ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l), kernel 4.4.151 and 4.4.259