29.10.2018, 20:16
(29.10.2018, 16:56)buuuudzik Wrote: Could you define what means "not working"? What is current state of your system?
But probably I've found the source of problemPlease log in "Object logs" valve status because for 99% you are updating your valve every minute(not only on change) so the timestamp is updated and is still too fresh and is recognized as not fully open.
Looks in logs:
* table:
* table:
* bool: true
* number: 1540829552
* string: T7 FB Heating floor attic valve
* bool: true
* table:
* table:
* bool: true
* number: 1540829612
* string: T7 FB Heating floor attic valve
* bool: true
* table:
* table:
* bool: true
* number: 1540829672
* string: T7 FB Heating floor attic valve
* bool: true
Everytime script runs there is different firstTimestamp which is equal to updatetime of valve with alias 'T7 FB Heating floor attic valve'. So the status of this valve is updated every minute. But this is not by this script because this script only controls the pump based on valve statuses.
I think you are upodating state of valve every minute. Please log
GREAT buuuudzik!!
I knew that everyminute status of valve sending on bus his value but honestly I did not think that occur this problem. Now it is working.
But if I set time valve status to 4 minutes you think problem will be again?
Thanks a lot again.