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ekey fsx App
The new "ekey fsx" App is available for download at the Appstore:

This application can be used 
- to integrate ekey FSX scanners into the LogicMachine environment as KNX sensors (to monitor fingerprints / RFID cards / binary inputs) or as KNX actuators (to control scanner's on-board relay and scanner's LED lights)
- to act as functional alternative to traditional biometric ekey access control solution 'ekey net' or 'ekey home' with multiple extra functions:
       - attached ekey scanners can be configured, operated and monitored online using this app
       - can be registered max. 200 fingerprints
       - can connect up to 8  ekey fingerprint scanners to a single LogicMachine RS485 port or to a ekey USB converter;
       - can hold internal user credentials (fingerprints and RFID cards) in a database;
       - can use LogicMachine lua scripts for functions not included into web application user interface.

The installation package will be available in the LogicMachine APP store
or can be downloaded :

The last actual v. 20241010 App user manual can be downloaded :

The ekey FSX fingerprint scanners should be registered with a Access code to enable full functionality of the App.
* Please note, the "Access code" price is extra 40 Eur for each ekey FSX scanner! 
My company also sell the ekey FSX scanners to EU clients with direct delivery from ekey factory in Austria. 
In this case the Access code price is included in the ordered scanner price.
The registered users can order scanners with discount (see attached price list).


Attached Files
.pdf   ekey fsx price list 2024.pdf (Size: 681.34 KB / Downloads: 1)
This is a really nice app for the Ekey finger scanners that Agris made.
We used it for a couple of projects already and have to say that it is working very well.
So we can recommend this app in combination with the FSX scanners of Ekey.
New release candidate ekey FSX app version available for dowload:
New functionality:
1. In the app is added a new tab "Attendance"
2. For User and Scanner records ir added new checkbox "is Time attendance" (TA)
3. the logic to register new TA event:
- The Scanner and the User must be enabled for TA event (User . TA = ' enabled' and Scanner.TA = ' enabled' )
- Time attendance event for every User has 2 directions: registration 'IN' or 'OUT'
registration event 'IN' happens when last attendance record is registered as OUT or not exist, and registration 'OUT' happens when last attendance record is registered as 'IN' .
The scanner after successful registration will show the attendance event direction with short LED lights
- for IN event, the scanner left LED will shortly will show the green colour 0.5s impuls
- for OUT event, the scanner right LED will shortly will show the red colour 0.5s impuls
There is implemented one automatic OUT event Time correction = to its corresponding ' IN ' Event Time , if after the OUT event in time period for the same User in period 1 min is recorder next IN Event. In this case the OUT record has specific "clock" icon in the field "Event time" .
The new "ekey FSX" app version available for download:

The new separate "ekey TA" app with a simple “Time attendance” functionality

The user manual for both apps :

New functionality:
1. New filter field "Period" is added to tab "Logs"
2. the tab "Attendance" is transfred to the new "ekey TA" app
ekey FSX App v.2020108 is released

The installation package is now available in the LogicMachine App store and
can be downloaded: -
User manual:

Changes from previous v.20200711:
- The user can now register up to 3 RFID cards.
- Fields for RFID cards in the User records are hidden if there are no active scanners with an RFID option
- Enrollment function is extended with an interactive modal window and the feedback with a positive or negative enrollment result.
+ the fingerprint enroll, delete functions are temporally blocked until the concurent enrollment process is finished (because of credentials synchronization limitations between scanners)
- New function to delete the selected log records.
- New function to Save (or export) the selected log records information into csv (* or xls) file
+ to save the records to the xls file there is available external procedure to install / remove the luaxlswriter and its related packages (not available for LM2,LM3, LM4)
- New external function to update the scanner firmware to v. 06180115
Thanks to Stefan Künstler from ekey biometric systems for this video:
Information about the last actual ekey FSX scanner firmware v.06190506:
The main extra feature of this version is the future to enroll a wide scope of the RFID Mifare cards for scanners with the RFID function:
Now as RFID cards can be used bank cards, public transport cards, and for example the swedish ID06 person identity card for employees

Steps to perform the scanner firmware update:
1) The ekey FSX app v.20201108 must be installed
2) you need to download the firmware file using lua script:
list = io.readproc ('wget -O /home/apps/store/user/ekey/update06190506.eku')
3) and after execute the update separate for each scanner with the cmd :
The result of FW update command you can see in the ekey fsx app log list.
4) After the FW update please restart the LM device!
New "ekey FSX app" v.20210228 is available for download:
User manual:

Changes from previous v.20201108:

+ Now Is possible to do the more scenarios with ekey FSX app software, like
Scanner #1 activates door A and door C,  'unknown finger' activate object D
Scanner #2 activates door B and door C ,  user with 'no rights' activate the object E, binary-input of the scanner activate the door B from inside

Each scanner can respond on multiple event types , like positive access events ('enter') , negative access events ('no-rights'), wrong user identification ('bad-finger') and
the 'binary-input'  (available on scanners with the built-in relays).  For positive access events the are available 9 different Keys.
To realize this function each scanner has new configuration records to assign those event types  to  specific predefined Tasks

"Tasks" also are the new terms implemented in the app.  Tasks are defined as the combination of Objects (KNX data groups)  and predefined Actions (none, on/off short, ... , toggle)
The app has the new tab "Tasks"  and this new tab replace the  tab "Action" from the older app version
For example, Tasks are:  'Door 1 - open 3 sec';  'Door 2 - toggle on/off',  'Alarm - On', etc.

the User credentials (fingerprints & rfid cards) is attracted to Keys  numbered from 1 .. 9 (visually in same way as previous with Actions).
By assigning multiple Keys to different User credentials now it is possible for each scanner positive access event execute different Tasks based on Keys assigned to User fingerprints.

* This is similar method in the "ekey multi" system where user finger keys make logic to switch different relays from the one scanner.

When you update the "ekey FSX app" from v.20201108 to v.20210221 then
all required Tasks are created automatically according to previous configuration
all Actions previous assigned to User credentials (fingerprints and RFID cards) now are the Keys
all Tasks are assigned to Keys for each scanner
so you don't need to make additional changes to your existing configuration

+ scanner:  switch OFF the scanner status LED light (to make it invisible at night)
+ scanner:  locate scanner function (start/stop flashing function LED lights)
+ scanner:  existing service commands available to execute from the app:
Restart - restart the scanner
Clean -  delete all credential (fingerprint and RFID card) information from the scanner
SyncToDB - copy all credentials from scanner to internal database
SyncFromDB - copy all credentials from internal database to scanner

+ you can create a new resident script to control the ekey daemon status using internal function:
- check if ekey daemon is already running using predefined 1 bit KNX data object for this purpose, like  '8/2/6' in this example:
ekeylib.check_ekey_daemon ( '8/2/6' )

+ if you are using in parallel the old scada-version then this version is not fully compatible with this app:
User fingerprints there are as previous assigned to Actions. But actually they are used as Keys.
The scanner field Object is not more functional due to new method of assigning multiple Tasks to scanner

*  Don't forget after the update to restart the LM device and clear the browser cache (Ctrl+F5)!
Hi, I'm new to the LogicMachine world. I just got one LM and two FSX scanners and I try to make them work with LM. Both scanners blink orange LED and LM can't see them. I see there's some license code that I missed. The docs say "To use the listed scanners without limitations into the ekey FSX app you require to get the license code for each scanner.". What are those limitations? Who issues that license code and do I need it to run the scanners "with limitations"?
(20.04.2021, 16:54)mishoboss Wrote: Hi, I'm new to the LogicMachine world. I just got one LM and two FSX scanners and I try to make them work with LM. Both scanners blink orange LED and LM can't see them. I see there's some license code that I missed. The docs say "To use the listed scanners without limitations into the ekey FSX app you require to get the license code for each scanner.". What are those limitations? Who issues that license code and do I need it to run the scanners "with limitations"?

Hi, The scanner without the license code (or activation code) are fully functional except with the one restiction – the app in case of reaction from the scanner (like positive recognised fingerprint) don’t perform the actions on the selected knx datagroup objects.  But only 3 months after the scanner production date this restriction enters into force.
You need to check if the scanners are connected with the correct wiring order to RS485 port.  With the correct wiring the app will automatically find the RS-485 port.
As an alternative you can change the ports manually in the tab “Scanners” configuration data block from the separate service link:
(21.04.2021, 06:42)agris Wrote:
(20.04.2021, 16:54)mishoboss Wrote: Hi, I'm new to the LogicMachine world. I just got one LM and two FSX scanners and I try to make them work with LM. Both scanners blink orange LED and LM can't see them. I see there's some license code that I missed. The docs say "To use the listed scanners without limitations into the ekey FSX app you require to get the license code for each scanner.". What are those limitations? Who issues that license code and do I need it to run the scanners "with limitations"?

Hi, The scanner without the license code (or activation code) are fully functional except with the one restiction – the app in case of reaction from the scanner (like positive recognised fingerprint) don’t perform the actions on the selected knx datagroup objects.  But only 3 months after the scanner production date this restriction enters into force.
You need to check if the scanners are connected with the correct wiring order to RS485 port.  With the correct wiring the app will automatically find the RS-485 port.
As an alternative you can change the ports manually in the tab “Scanners” configuration data block from the separate service link:

Thank you. Seems it should be communication issue then.

If I understood it right, basically the scanners are unusable without this code? Because the whole idea is to trigger an action on finger scan. Or I'm missing something?

What is the idea with these codes? Do they cost additional fee? One-time fee or annual? How can I get a code? Is this the same case when using the old LuaEkey and Scada-Ekey packages?

Thank you.
(21.04.2021, 07:47)mishoboss Wrote:
(21.04.2021, 06:42)agris Wrote:
(20.04.2021, 16:54)mishoboss Wrote: Hi, I'm new to the LogicMachine world. I just got one LM and two FSX scanners and I try to make them work with LM. Both scanners blink orange LED and LM can't see them. I see there's some license code that I missed. The docs say "To use the listed scanners without limitations into the ekey FSX app you require to get the license code for each scanner.". What are those limitations? Who issues that license code and do I need it to run the scanners "with limitations"?

Hi, The scanner without the license code (or activation code) are fully functional except with the one restiction – the app in case of reaction from the scanner (like positive recognised fingerprint) don’t perform the actions on the selected knx datagroup objects.  But only 3 months after the scanner production date this restriction enters into force.
You need to check if the scanners are connected with the correct wiring order to RS485 port.  With the correct wiring the app will automatically find the RS-485 port.
As an alternative you can change the ports manually in the tab “Scanners” configuration data block from the separate service link:

Thank you. Seems it should be communication issue then.

If I understood it right, basically the scanners are unusable without this code? Because the whole idea is to trigger an action on finger scan. Or I'm missing something?

What is the idea with these codes? Do they cost additional fee? One-time fee or annual? How can I get a code? Is this the same case when using the old LuaEkey and Scada-Ekey packages?

Thank you.

If you already have the ekey fsx type scanner you can check the functionality to decide if this app meets your requirements.  As I wrote If the scanner is installed within 3 months after its production date it is fully functional without restrictions.
The idea for the scanner licences are used to get income for the development job. It cost 40 Eur per scanner. But it is free if you orded the scanners from me. 
With this license code the scanner can be used with ekey fsx app unlimited time for all (inclluding the next future) ekey fsx app versions on every LM (or SE) device where the scanner is or will be installed.
You can get the code after you send me the scanner serial numbers. You also can copy  it from the app scanners list records after the scanner is installed.
Thank you. Unfortunately I'm not able to successfully run the communication between LM and the eKey scanners. I have tried all of the three RS-485 ports and nothing. I've switched A and B wires several times too. I tried both fsx App and the old eKey scada modules. Is there something specific I should know when initialising the scanners? Is there a way to debug it somehow?

I attach 4 pictures so you can see my setup. Thank you.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Have you tried connecting only one scanner? Do the LEDs on the scanner light up when powered up?
Hello, have you looked at the manual? The FSX AP 2.0 device is not on the LM EKEY APP compatible list. It is also recommended not to use RS485 port 1.

Check that your equipment is compatible and change it to port 2 RS485.

Here you have two links:

Yes, I tried with only one scanner, but it's the same. The LEDs are light up when the scanners are powered. First, a green and a blue LED for short and then orange blinking forever.

I see in this post the FSX AP 2.0 is supported:
I have changed it to port 2. I tried all the 3 ports I have in the LM.
Re: The FSX AP 2.0 device is not on the LM EKEY APP compatible list.

Actually the ekey FSX AP scanner is the same type as ekey FSX WM scanner:
In german version its name is shortened as AP (Aufputz) and in english version as (WallMounted)
The same type is :  ekey FSX UP (Unterputz) = ekey FSX OM (OutletMounted)

I received the private message from mishoboss: The problem was resolved by changing the port to RS485-2.
In case if the LM5Lite I found in the user manual this information:
  “There can be used max two RS-485 on LM5 Lite. First one is definitive, second one is software switchable – either it works as RS-485 or as RS-232 :”
  and "*RS-232 is chosen in this case, RS-485 is not activated"
I don't have User manual for this LM model, probably this is the same reason why the RS485-1 did’t work.
(22.04.2021, 09:59)agris Wrote: Re: The FSX AP 2.0 device is not on the LM EKEY APP compatible list.

Actually the ekey FSX AP scanner is the same type as ekey FSX WM scanner:
In german version its name is shortened as AP (Aufputz) and in english version as (WallMounted)
The same type is :  ekey FSX UP (Unterputz) = ekey FSX OM (OutletMounted)

I received the private message from mishoboss: The problem was resolved by changing the port to RS485-2.
In case if the LM5Lite I found in the user manual this information:
  “There can be used max two RS-485 on LM5 Lite. First one is definitive, second one is software switchable – either it works as RS-485 or as RS-232 :”
  and "*RS-232 is chosen in this case, RS-485 is not activated"
I don't have User manual for this LM model, probably this is the same reason why the RS485-1 did’t work.

Hi, no, maybe I wasn't very clear in my PM. The issue is not resolved. I just can see now the "Port" field in the "Scanners" tab. That was resolved. Smile But I still can't make the two scanners work on any of the 3 RS-485 ports I have on the LM. Any ideas are highly welcome.
You can use this script to check if RS485 works correctly
Make sure nothing else is using the it. It could be enabled in modbus/Dali or in some script.
On the picture it looks like the termination resistor on the AP scanner is swithed ON. This scanner is placed in the middle of the serial line. Because the LM port is not terminated, then both scanners in short line distances must be set in OFF position.

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