This function should work, though it was not tested much:
-- solar altitude, azimuth (degrees)
function sunposition(latitude, longitude, time)
time = time or os.time()
if type(time) == 'table' then
time = os.time(time)
local date ='*t', time)
local timezone = (os.time(date) - os.time('!*t', time))) / 3600
if date.isdst then
timezone = timezone + 1
local utcdate ='*t', time - timezone * 3600)
local latrad = math.rad(latitude)
local fd = (utcdate.hour + utcdate.min / 60 + utcdate.sec / 3600) / 24
local g = (2 * math.pi / 365.25) * (utcdate.yday + fd)
local d = math.rad(0.396372 - 22.91327 * math.cos(g) + 4.02543 * math.sin(g) - 0.387205 * math.cos(2 * g)
+ 0.051967 * math.sin(2 * g) - 0.154527 * math.cos(3 * g) + 0.084798 * math.sin(3 * g))
local t = math.rad(0.004297 + 0.107029 * math.cos(g) - 1.837877 * math.sin(g)
- 0.837378 * math.cos(2 * g) - 2.340475 * math.sin(2 * g))
local sha = 2 * math.pi * (fd - 0.5) + t + math.rad(longitude)
local sza = math.acos(math.sin(latrad) * math.sin(d) + math.cos(latrad) * math.cos(d) * math.cos(sha))
local saa = math.acos((math.sin(d) - math.sin(latrad) * math.cos(sza)) / (math.cos(latrad) * math.sin(sza)))
(14.12.2015, 08:07)admin Wrote: This function should work, though it was not tested much:
-- solar altitude, azimuth (degrees)
function sunposition(latitude, longitude, time)
time = time or os.time()
if type(time) == 'table' then
time = os.time(time)
local date ='*t', time)
local timezone = (os.time(date) - os.time('!*t', time))) / 3600
if date.isdst then
timezone = timezone + 1
local utcdate ='*t', time - timezone * 3600)
local latrad = math.rad(latitude)
local fd = (utcdate.hour + utcdate.min / 60 + utcdate.sec / 3600) / 24
local g = (2 * math.pi / 365.25) * (utcdate.yday + fd)
local d = math.rad(0.396372 - 22.91327 * math.cos(g) + 4.02543 * math.sin(g) - 0.387205 * math.cos(2 * g)
+ 0.051967 * math.sin(2 * g) - 0.154527 * math.cos(3 * g) + 0.084798 * math.sin(3 * g))
local t = math.rad(0.004297 + 0.107029 * math.cos(g) - 1.837877 * math.sin(g)
- 0.837378 * math.cos(2 * g) - 2.340475 * math.sin(2 * g))
local sha = 2 * math.pi * (fd - 0.5) + t + math.rad(longitude)
local sza = math.acos(math.sin(latrad) * math.sin(d) + math.cos(latrad) * math.cos(d) * math.cos(sha))
local saa = math.acos((math.sin(d) - math.sin(latrad) * math.cos(sza)) / (math.cos(latrad) * math.sin(sza)))
return 90 - math.deg(sza), math.deg(saa)
It works. Thank you
I create a library with this function in User library and in resident script I add this script:
Has anyone tried to work out an algorithm to calculate slate position of venetian blinds? Given the orientation of a window/blind, and the solar altitude and azimuth (given in post above).
What is the optimal slate position to avoid direct sunlight?
I’we been playing with some calculations. Even tried to “reverse engineer” observations from a major brand “KNX Wetterstation”, but never really got hold of it. Anyone with good experiences on this?
Any suggestions on how to approach this is welcome.
E.g. Is there one formula?
Should i use a lookup table with different altitude- intervals for different azimuth “ranges”?
Should i use a combination?
For starters, you can try with just using altitude since blinds only move on one axis. Blinds should be perpendicular to current sun position. Then you can tweak it by checking azimuth so you don't adjust blinds when there's no direct sunlight.
(15.12.2015, 13:24)admin Wrote: For starters, you can try with just using altitude since blinds only move on one axis. Blinds should be perpendicular to current sun position. Then you can tweak it by checking azimuth so you don't adjust blinds when there's no direct sunlight.
Tanks, maybe i'm just making it too complex.
There should, of course, be a 1:1 relation between sun altitude and slate position (e.g. 0-100%) – regardless of azimuth and orientation of the blinds/window.
(14.12.2015, 08:07)admin Wrote: This function should work, though it was not tested much:
-- solar altitude, azimuth (degrees)
function sunposition(latitude, longitude, time)
time = time or os.time()
if type(time) == 'table' then
time = os.time(time)
local date ='*t', time)
local timezone = (os.time(date) - os.time('!*t', time))) / 3600
if date.isdst then
timezone = timezone + 1
local utcdate ='*t', time - timezone * 3600)
local latrad = math.rad(latitude)
local fd = (utcdate.hour + utcdate.min / 60 + utcdate.sec / 3600) / 24
local g = (2 * math.pi / 365.25) * (utcdate.yday + fd)
local d = math.rad(0.396372 - 22.91327 * math.cos(g) + 4.02543 * math.sin(g) - 0.387205 * math.cos(2 * g)
+ 0.051967 * math.sin(2 * g) - 0.154527 * math.cos(3 * g) + 0.084798 * math.sin(3 * g))
local t = math.rad(0.004297 + 0.107029 * math.cos(g) - 1.837877 * math.sin(g)
- 0.837378 * math.cos(2 * g) - 2.340475 * math.sin(2 * g))
local sha = 2 * math.pi * (fd - 0.5) + t + math.rad(longitude)
local sza = math.acos(math.sin(latrad) * math.sin(d) + math.cos(latrad) * math.cos(d) * math.cos(sha))
local saa = math.acos((math.sin(d) - math.sin(latrad) * math.cos(sza)) / (math.cos(latrad) * math.sin(sza)))
return 90 - math.deg(sza), math.deg(saa)
I used this today. What I see is that when the azimuth get to 180, it starts counting down rather than going on to the full 360... Any ideas why?
There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who can read binary and those who don't
function suncalc(lat, lng, time)
-- sun calculations are based on formulas
local PI = math.pi
local sin = math.sin
local cos = math.cos
local tan = math.tan
local asin = math.asin
local atan = math.atan2
local acos = math.acos
local deg = math.deg
local rad = PI / 180
local e = rad * 23.4397 -- obliquity of the Earth
local daysec = 60 * 60 * 24
local J1970 = 2440588
local J2000 = 2451545
local function toDays(time)
return time / daysec - 0.5 + J1970 - J2000
local function rightAscension(l, b)
return atan(sin(l) * cos(e) - tan(b) * sin(e), cos(l))
local function declination(l, b)
return asin(sin(b) * cos(e) + cos(b) * sin(e) * sin(l))
local function azimuth(H, phi, dec)
return atan(sin(H), cos(H) * sin(phi) - tan(dec) * cos(phi))
local function altitude(H, phi, dec)
return asin(sin(phi) * sin(dec) + cos(phi) * cos(dec) * cos(H))
local function siderealTime(d, lw)
return rad * (280.16 + 360.9856235 * d) - lw
local function astroRefraction(h)
if h < 0 then -- the following formula works for positive altitudes only.
h = 0 -- if h = -0.08901179 a div/0 would occur.
-- formula 16.4 of "Astronomical Algorithms" 2nd edition by Jean Meeus (Willmann-Bell, Richmond) 1998.
-- 1.02 / tan(h + 10.26 / (h + 5.10)) h in degrees, result in arc minutes -> converted to rad:
return 0.0002967 / math.tan(h + 0.00312536 / (h + 0.08901179))
-- general sun calculations
local function solarMeanAnomaly(d)
return rad * (357.5291 + 0.98560028 * d)
local function eclipticLongitude(M)
local C = rad * (1.9148 * sin(M) + 0.02 * sin(2 * M) + 0.0003 * sin(3 * M)) -- equation of center
local P = rad * 102.9372 -- perihelion of the Earth
return M + C + P + PI
local function sunCoords(d)
local M = solarMeanAnomaly(d)
local L = eclipticLongitude(M)
return declination(L, 0), rightAscension(L, 0)
local lw = rad * -lng
local phi = rad * lat
local d = toDays(time or os.time())
local dec, ra = sunCoords(d)
local H = siderealTime(d, lw) - ra
local alt, az = altitude(H, phi, dec), azimuth(H, phi, dec)
return deg(alt), 180 + deg(az)
(11.05.2017, 07:49)admin Wrote: Try this one instead:
function suncalc(lat, lng, time)
-- sun calculations are based on formulas
local PI = math.pi
local sin = math.sin
local cos = math.cos
local tan = math.tan
local asin = math.asin
local atan = math.atan2
local acos = math.acos
local deg = math.deg
local rad = PI / 180
local e = rad * 23.4397 -- obliquity of the Earth
local daysec = 60 * 60 * 24
local J1970 = 2440588
local J2000 = 2451545
local function toDays(time)
return time / daysec - 0.5 + J1970 - J2000
local function rightAscension(l, b)
return atan(sin(l) * cos(e) - tan(b) * sin(e), cos(l))
local function declination(l, b)
return asin(sin(b) * cos(e) + cos(b) * sin(e) * sin(l))
local function azimuth(H, phi, dec)
return atan(sin(H), cos(H) * sin(phi) - tan(dec) * cos(phi))
local function altitude(H, phi, dec)
return asin(sin(phi) * sin(dec) + cos(phi) * cos(dec) * cos(H))
local function siderealTime(d, lw)
return rad * (280.16 + 360.9856235 * d) - lw
local function astroRefraction(h)
if h < 0 then -- the following formula works for positive altitudes only.
h = 0 -- if h = -0.08901179 a div/0 would occur.
-- formula 16.4 of "Astronomical Algorithms" 2nd edition by Jean Meeus (Willmann-Bell, Richmond) 1998.
-- 1.02 / tan(h + 10.26 / (h + 5.10)) h in degrees, result in arc minutes -> converted to rad:
return 0.0002967 / math.tan(h + 0.00312536 / (h + 0.08901179))
-- general sun calculations
local function solarMeanAnomaly(d)
return rad * (357.5291 + 0.98560028 * d)
local function eclipticLongitude(M)
local C = rad * (1.9148 * sin(M) + 0.02 * sin(2 * M) + 0.0003 * sin(3 * M)) -- equation of center
local P = rad * 102.9372 -- perihelion of the Earth
return M + C + P + PI
local function sunCoords(d)
local M = solarMeanAnomaly(d)
local L = eclipticLongitude(M)
return declination(L, 0), rightAscension(L, 0)
local lw = rad * -lng
local phi = rad * lat
local d = toDays(time or os.time())
local dec, ra = sunCoords(d)
local H = siderealTime(d, lw) - ra
local alt, az = altitude(H, phi, dec), azimuth(H, phi, dec)
return deg(alt), 180 + deg(az)
Thanks. That one worked.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who can read binary and those who don't
(11.05.2017, 07:49)admin Wrote: Try this one instead:
function suncalc(lat, lng, time)
-- sun calculations are based on formulas
local PI = math.pi
local sin = math.sin
local cos = math.cos
local tan = math.tan
local asin = math.asin
local atan = math.atan2
local acos = math.acos
local deg = math.deg
local rad = PI / 180
local e = rad * 23.4397 -- obliquity of the Earth
local daysec = 60 * 60 * 24
local J1970 = 2440588
local J2000 = 2451545
local function toDays(time)
return time / daysec - 0.5 + J1970 - J2000
local function rightAscension(l, b)
return atan(sin(l) * cos(e) - tan(b) * sin(e), cos(l))
local function declination(l, b)
return asin(sin(b) * cos(e) + cos(b) * sin(e) * sin(l))
local function azimuth(H, phi, dec)
return atan(sin(H), cos(H) * sin(phi) - tan(dec) * cos(phi))
local function altitude(H, phi, dec)
return asin(sin(phi) * sin(dec) + cos(phi) * cos(dec) * cos(H))
local function siderealTime(d, lw)
return rad * (280.16 + 360.9856235 * d) - lw
local function astroRefraction(h)
if h < 0 then -- the following formula works for positive altitudes only.
h = 0 -- if h = -0.08901179 a div/0 would occur.
-- formula 16.4 of "Astronomical Algorithms" 2nd edition by Jean Meeus (Willmann-Bell, Richmond) 1998.
-- 1.02 / tan(h + 10.26 / (h + 5.10)) h in degrees, result in arc minutes -> converted to rad:
return 0.0002967 / math.tan(h + 0.00312536 / (h + 0.08901179))
-- general sun calculations
local function solarMeanAnomaly(d)
return rad * (357.5291 + 0.98560028 * d)
local function eclipticLongitude(M)
local C = rad * (1.9148 * sin(M) + 0.02 * sin(2 * M) + 0.0003 * sin(3 * M)) -- equation of center
local P = rad * 102.9372 -- perihelion of the Earth
return M + C + P + PI
local function sunCoords(d)
local M = solarMeanAnomaly(d)
local L = eclipticLongitude(M)
return declination(L, 0), rightAscension(L, 0)
local lw = rad * -lng
local phi = rad * lat
local d = toDays(time or os.time())
local dec, ra = sunCoords(d)
local H = siderealTime(d, lw) - ra
local alt, az = altitude(H, phi, dec), azimuth(H, phi, dec)
return deg(alt), 180 + deg(az)
Thanks. That one worked.
Maybe someone have example code?
I need to get sun position every 5 min.
1) Elevation degree (0-100%) 2) Azimuth (0-360*)
31.10.2017, 08:37 (This post was last modified: 31.10.2017, 08:42 by buuuudzik.)
I've checked this and you're right, raw unix time is in UTC. I am using other algorithm and on it I must add the info about time zone and I must consider time shift