26.10.2018, 14:47
(25.10.2018, 06:04)buuuudzik Wrote: If I can give you some tips:
- tags shouldn't be very, very long because if they are very long you can accidently assign new tag which is misspelled and probably you don't see whole tag/tags in Objects view. In your case you has e.g. "pompa_circolazione_giorno_estate" which means "circulation pump summer day" so you can think how to short this name, maybe you can remove "day" from it, use shortcut name and let e.g. pump_ce1
- please use english in your code, you will do better programs, all people in forums can help
you faster.
- when you debug code don't be afraid to use a lot of log() function (also like log('Label 1', your_variable)) and also try to check step by step where is the start of the problem because when you have complex script then when something is bad calculated at start then end could be very mess and unpredictable so you should check full path from. You can also log only certain data e.g. when you are logging knx object then you can log full object but more readable would be to log only specific properties like log(obj.name, obj.value).
- use functions for splitting your code into a few simple and easy to test parts which would be also much more readable
- use tables, objects, for loops, tags for multiple zones, don't create another script for it
- for checking simple Lua based thing in code you can check also such tool like https://www.lua.org/demo.html
This are only some tips from me, because I see that you are trying to do better(more advanced) programs.
If it about your code please check step by step every line. I'm strongly recommend you use this last version because it is more readable and more ready for future changes which you will probably do.
1. Please stop all other pump circulation scripts.
2. Please use another script with a name e.g. 'Test' (it must be fresh script)and copy there such script which parallelly creates logs object and at the end ot prints it:
3. Print here the log result.Code:------------------------------------------------------
seasonGA = '2/0/100'
logging = true
zones = {
summer = 'pompa_circolazione_giorno_estate',
winter = 'pompa_circolazione_giorno_inverno',
pump = '2/0/1',
offset = 60,
minimum = 30
-- DONT CHANGE NOTHING BELOW--------------------------
season = grp.getvalue(seasonGA)
nextCalculationAfter = 30 -- it will be changed by first zone
if logging then logs = {season = season} end -- #TO DELETE
function calcOutOfTheSeason(tag)
local opened = false
local firstTimestamp = 0
local valves = grp.tag(tag)
if logging then logs.zones[#logs.zones].valvesInWinter = {} end -- #TO DELETE
for v = 1, #valves, 1 do
local valve = valves[v]
if valve.value then
opened = true
if firstTimestamp > 0 then
if firstTimestamp > valve.updatetime then firstTimestamp = valve.updatetime end
firstTimestamp = valve.updatetime
if logging then logs.zones[#logs.zones].valvesInWinter[v] = {name = valve.name, value = valve.value, tags = valve.tags, opened = opened, firstTimestamp = firstTimestamp} end -- #TO DELETE
return opened, firstTimestamp
function calcDuringTheSeason(tag)
local opened = false
local firstTimestamp = 0
local valves = grp.tag(tag)
if logging then logs.zones[#logs.zones].valvesInSummer = {} end -- #TO DELETE
valves = grp.tag(tag)
for v = 1, #valves, 1 do
valve = valves[v]
if valve.value then
opened = true
if firstTimestamp > 0 then
if firstTimestamp > valve.updatetime then firstTimestamp = valve.updatetime end
firstTimestamp = valve.updatetime
if logging then logs.zones[#logs.zones].valvesInSummer[v] = {name = valve.name, value = valve.value, tags = valve.tags, opened = opened, firstTimestamp = firstTimestamp} end -- #TO DELETE
return opened, firstTimestamp
if logging then
logs.season = season
logs.zones = {}
end -- #TO DELETE
for z, zone in ipairs(zones) do
local summerTag = zone.summer
local winterTag = zone.winter
local pumpGA = zone.pump
local openingValveTime = zone.offset
local minInterval = zone.minimum
if logging then
logs.zones[z] = {
settings = {
summerTag = summerTag,
winterTag = winterTag,
pumpGA = pumpGA,
pumpBeforeCmd = grp.getvalue(pumpGA),
openingValveTime = openingValveTime,
minInterval = minInterval
end -- #TO DELETE
local opened, firstTimestamp = false, 0
-- Calc valve state and firsttimestamp for update
if season then
opened, firstTimestamp = calcDuringTheSeason(winterTag)
opened, firstTimestamp = calcOutOfTheSeason(summerTag)
if logging then
logs.zones[z].opened = opened
logs.zones[z].firstTimestamp = firstTimestamp
end -- # TO DELETE
-- Find nextZoneCalculationAfter for current zone
local nextZoneCalculationAfter = 0
if opened then
local fullyOpened = os.microtime() - firstTimestamp >= openingValveTime
if fullyOpened then
grp.checkwrite(pumpGA, true)
nextZoneCalculationAfter = minInterval
if logging then logs.zones[z].info = 'Turn on pump because valve is fully opened. Next calculation after ' .. nextZoneCalculationAfter .. 's' end -- # TO DELETE
grp.checkwrite(pumpGA, false)
nextZoneCalculationAfter = openingValveTime + 1 - (os.microtime() - firstTimestamp) -- run a little after possible change
if logging then logs.zones[z].info = 'Turn off pump because valve isn't yet fully opened. Next calculation after ' .. nextZoneCalculationAfter .. 's' end -- # TO DELETE
grp.checkwrite(pumpGA, false)
nextZoneCalculationAfter = openingValveTime + 1
if logging then logs.zones[z].info = 'Turn on pump because valve is closed. Next calculation after ' .. nextZoneCalculationAfter .. 's. ' end -- # TO DELETE
-- Update nextCalculationAfter (global)
if z == 1 or nextCalculationAfter < nextZoneCalculationAfter then
nextCalculationAfter = nextZoneCalculationAfter
if logging then logs.zones[z].info = logs.zones[z].info .. 'Variable nextCalculationAfter was changed to ' .. nextZoneCalculationAfter .. '.' end -- # TO DELETE
-- log('Next calculation after: ' .. nextCalculationAfter .. 's.')
if nextCalculationAfter and nextCalculationAfter > 5 then
if logging then
logs.sleepDescription = 'Calculated ' .. nextCalculationAfter .. 's'
end -- # TO DELETE
if logging then
logs.sleepDescription = 'Default ' .. nextCalculationAfter .. 's (calculated value is 0 or other equal to false)'
end -- # TO DELETE
Please add here also the list of valves in each zones, and I will check if all are calculated.
And if it is about a day when script stopped working correctly, maybe you've done some changes in tags(maybe you've changed multiple tags and accidentally deleted the necessary tag)?
Hi Buuuudzik,
thank you for your effort and suggestion. Please find below log list you required. It is very strange because everything seems working fine but group address 2/0/2 does not change. Always in off.
Circolazione mansarda 26.10.2018 16:37:22
* table:
* table:
* table:
* string: Turn on pump because valve is closed. Next calculation after 61s. Variable nextCalculationAfter was changed to 61.
* table:
* string: 2/0/2
* string: summer_pump
* bool: false
* string: winter_pump
* number: 30
* number: 60
* number: 0
* table:
* table:
* bool: false
* number: 0
* string: T7 FB Heating floor attic valve
* bool: false
* bool: false
* string: Calculated 61s
* bool: true
Circolazione mansarda 26.10.2018 16:38:23
* table:
* table:
* table:
* string: Turn off pump because valve is not yet fully opened. Next calculation after 46sVariable nextCalculationAfter was changed to 46.
* table:
* string: 2/0/2
* string: summer_pump
* bool: false
* string: winter_pump
* number: 30
* number: 60
* number: 1540564688
* table:
* table:
* bool: true
* number: 1540564688
* string: T7 FB Heating floor attic valve
* bool: true
* bool: true
* string: Calculated 46s
* bool: true[/size]