29.08.2022, 13:16
Generically, I think having the ability from LogicMachine to send a telegram addressed to a physical address is valuable. It could be a basic implementation, i.e. send and receive of raw data, without support for all the KNX features - building/decoding telegrams should be left to user.
Tapko for example provides a module (SIM-KNX) that offers this: a KNX stack for group addresses and objects, along with the capability to send/receive raw telegrams.
My use case is to be able to deploy a LM and an array of identical devices on a simple single KNX line without requiring ETS. If every device has a predefined unique physical address, then I do not need the group address layer (which in this case just replicates the physical address layer: every device has its own unique set of group addresses). For example, 25 displays connected to a LM displaying messages sent by the LM.
Granted, this is a slightly heretical use of KNX, but having both options as proposed above provides flexibility in using LogicMachine for "custom" use cases without formally embracing them
Tapko for example provides a module (SIM-KNX) that offers this: a KNX stack for group addresses and objects, along with the capability to send/receive raw telegrams.
My use case is to be able to deploy a LM and an array of identical devices on a simple single KNX line without requiring ETS. If every device has a predefined unique physical address, then I do not need the group address layer (which in this case just replicates the physical address layer: every device has its own unique set of group addresses). For example, 25 displays connected to a LM displaying messages sent by the LM.
Granted, this is a slightly heretical use of KNX, but having both options as proposed above provides flexibility in using LogicMachine for "custom" use cases without formally embracing them