02.05.2023, 07:30
It's not that simple. You need a library for the OSC protocol: https://github.com/davidgranstrom/losc/
Run this script once to install the library (make sure that LM has valid gateway and DNS settings):
A slight difference from the examples is that the main library should be loaded like this:
Run this script once to install the library (make sure that LM has valid gateway and DNS settings):
if not io.exists('/usr/share/lua/losc/') then
os.execute('wget -O /tmp/losc.tar.gz http://dl.openrb.com/misc/losc.tar.gz && ' ..
'tar -xzf /tmp/losc.tar.gz -C /')
A slight difference from the examples is that the main library should be loaded like this:
-- instead of local losc = require'losc'
local losc = require'losc.init'