12.02.2024, 21:42
(This post was last modified: 12.02.2024, 21:43 by manos@dynamitec.)
Hello Admin,
I am trying to realize a constant light control loop with the PID script you have on the website.
I've tried to adjust the kp, ki, kd parameters to make the system stable but there are some issues.
Since this not about temperature control and fluctuations to the measured brightness value in the room can be pretty high due to sunny/cloudy day, the system is unstable. I would like to be able to set a min/max step (like +/- 3%) for the value that is written to the bus each control loop even if the PID calculation is resulting to a big difference from the previous value. In this way I would like to avoid positive or negative jumps in the written value. Another thing is to be able to add something like a deadband or hysteresis to the system so if the actual value = setpoint +/- 20 lux for exmple then don't calculate anything. Something similar of what is done now via the manual variable.
As my lua scripting skills are basic could you or anyone in this forum please help me figure this out and how the new script will be? Below I am attaching the script I am using now:
Thank you in advance.
I am trying to realize a constant light control loop with the PID script you have on the website.
I've tried to adjust the kp, ki, kd parameters to make the system stable but there are some issues.
Since this not about temperature control and fluctuations to the measured brightness value in the room can be pretty high due to sunny/cloudy day, the system is unstable. I would like to be able to set a min/max step (like +/- 3%) for the value that is written to the bus each control loop even if the PID calculation is resulting to a big difference from the previous value. In this way I would like to avoid positive or negative jumps in the written value. Another thing is to be able to add something like a deadband or hysteresis to the system so if the actual value = setpoint +/- 20 lux for exmple then don't calculate anything. Something similar of what is done now via the manual variable.
As my lua scripting skills are basic could you or anyone in this forum please help me figure this out and how the new script will be? Below I am attaching the script I am using now:
PID = {
-- default params
defaults = {
-- invert algorithm, used for cooling
inverted = false,
-- minimum output value
min = 10,
-- maximum output value
max = 100,
-- proportional gain
kp = 0.25,
-- integral gain
ki = 0.01,
-- derivative gain
kd = 0.1,
-- PID init, returns new PID object
function PID:init(params)
local n = setmetatable({}, { __index = PID })
local k, v
-- set user parameters
n.params = params
-- copy parameters that are set by user
for k, v in pairs(PID.defaults) do
if n.params[ k ] == nil then
n.params[ k ] = v
-- reverse gains in inverted mode
if n.params.inverted then
n.params.kp = -n.params.kp
n.params.ki = -n.params.ki
n.params.kd = -n.params.kd
return n
-- resets algorithm on init or a switch back from manual mode
function PID:reset()
-- previous value
self.previous = grp.getvalue(self.params.current)
-- reset iterm
self.iterm = 0
-- last running time
self.lasttime = os.time()
-- clamp iterm
-- clamps iterm value
function PID:clampiterm()
self.iterm = math.max(self.iterm, self.params.min)
self.iterm = math.min(self.iterm, self.params.max)
-- clamp and set new output value
function PID:setoutput()
local t, object, value
self.output = math.max(self.output, self.params.min)
self.output = math.min(self.output, self.params.max)
value = math.floor(self.output)
local t = type(self.params.output)
-- write to output if object is set
if t == 'string' or t == 'table' then
if t == 'string' then
self.params.output = { self.params.output }
for _, output in ipairs(self.params.output) do
grp.write(output, value, dt.scale)
-- algorithm step, returns nil when disabled or no action is required,
-- output value otherwise
function PID:run()
local result
-- get manual mode status
local manual = false
if self.params.manual then
manual = grp.getvalue(self.params.manual)
-- in manual mode, do nothing
if manual then
self.running = false
-- not in manual, check if reset is required after switching on
elseif not self.running then
self.running = true
-- compute new value if not in manual mode
if self.running then
-- get time between previous and current call
local now = os.time()
self.deltatime = now - self.lasttime
self.lasttime = now
-- run if previous call was at least 1 second ago
if self.deltatime > 0 then
result = self:compute()
return result
-- computes new output value
function PID:compute()
local current, setpoint, deltasc, deltain, output
-- get input values
current = grp.getvalue(self.params.current)
setpoint = grp.getvalue(self.params.setpoint)
-- delta between setpoint and current
deltasc = setpoint - current
-- calculate new iterm
self.iterm = self.iterm + self.params.ki * self.deltatime * deltasc
-- delta between current and previous value
deltain = current - self.previous
-- calculate output value
self.output = self.params.kp * deltasc + self.iterm
self.output = self.output - self.params.kd / self.deltatime * deltain
-- write to output
-- save previous value
self.previous = current
return self.output
Thank you in advance.