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Add a text as variable in a SQL query
(18.06.2024, 12:16)admin Wrote: Try this:
nameparam = dbcon:escape('NameX')
valueparam = 1000

dbcon:execute("INSERT INTO test (name, value) VALUES ('" .. nameparam .. "', " .. valueparam .. ")")

Hi again, I'm sorry for bothering again, but I dont understand how the " and single ' works formating the text.

I need to add more text fields, and I tried to copy or understand the format but the query responds with:

string: LuaSQL: error executing query. MySQL: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'kWh Calor', kike', 1000)

and the script:

http = require('socket.http')
env = luasql.mysql()

dbcon, err = env:connect('knx', 'root','123123', '', '3306')
log(dbcon, err)

dbcon:execute('SET NAMES utf8')

instalacion_param = dbcon:escape('Building_1')
medida_param = dbcon:escape('P1_2A kWh Calor')
usuario_param = dbcon:escape('kike')
valor_param = 1000

log(dbcon:execute("INSERT INTO test2 (instalacion, medida, usuario, valor) VALUES ('" .. instalacion_param .. "', " .. medida_param .. "', " .. usuario_param .. "', " .. valor_param .. ")"))

What's the difference beetween " and ' dealing with test format in this case? Is there any manual or tip abouts this issue?

Thanks in advance!!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Add a text as variable in a SQL query - by kike - 19.06.2024, 10:54

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