(18.02.2017, 00:03)Erwin van der Zwart Wrote: Hi,
Yes this is possible, this script simulates the form you normal fill in manually, basicly any user form can be simulated and automated (;
Try this script:
Code:-- Batch adding modbus devices - Created by Erwin van der Zwart - Schneider Electric Netherlands -----------
-- For spaceLYnk FW 1.2.1 or higher and homeLYnk FW 1.5.1 or higher ----------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- Start Parameters ---------------------------------------------
-- Set username and password for access to SL/HL
username = 'admin'
password = 'admin'
---------------------------------------------- End Parameters ----------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING UNDER THIS LINE -----------------------------------
-- Load modules
-- Get current HL/SL ip address
data = io.readproc('if-json')
data = json.decode(data)
ip = data.eth0.inetaddr
-- Create url for modbus device creation
url = 'http://' .. username .. ':' .. password .. '@' .. ip .. '/scada-main/general/plugin?plugin=modbus&request=device-save'
-- Set counters for creation log
number_of_devices = 0
number_failed = 0
-- Function to send request to create modbus device
function url_send(device_proto, device_name, device_profile, device_ip, device_port, device_slave, device_pollinterval, device_id)
local device = {
proto = device_proto,
name = device_name,
profile = device_profile,
ip = device_ip,
port = device_port,
slave = device_slave,
pollinterval = device_pollinterval,
id = device_id,
data = json.encode(device)
form_data = 'data=' .. socket.url.escape(data)
socket.http.TIMEOUT = 15
local res, code, response_header = socket.http.request(url, form_data)
return res, code, response_header
-- Create devices
for i = 1, 10, 1 do
-- used fields to send: protocol,name,profile,ip,port,slave,pollinterval,id
result, code, response_header = url_send("tcp", "Device " .. i, "iEM-iEM3155", "192.168.10." .. i, "502", i, "5", "")
-- Calculate results for creation devices log
if result == '{"success":true}' then
number_of_devices = number_of_devices + 1
number_failed = number_failed + 1
-- Create result log
if number_failed == 0 then
log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully")
log ("Created " .. number_of_devices .. " devices succesfully and creation of " .. number_failed .. " devices failed")
-- Disable script when done automaticly
This functionality (which is utterly brilliant by the way) seems to be broken i FW 2.1.1. I´ve tried on all FW up to 2.1.0 and it works as a charm. I suspect there's some parameters missing. When I log the response i get a 404. Do you have any idea what might have changed (I don't like undocumented changes!!!) in FW 2.1.1?