20.12.2023, 16:03
I have encountered an issue where the script section responsible for heat pump cooling sometimes runs unexpectedly, even though the conditions for its execution are not met. By using the log function, I identified that the variable `holas = '3/0/1'` activated this script, despite no conditions being met to proceed with the script. Upon checking the log, I noticed that the variable `thermostat_Heating_Cooling` was holding the value 1, indicating that it shouldn't proceed with the script execution.
Is it possible for variables to lose their value at times?
The addresses listed have assigned tags that can trigger the script
holas = '3/0/1'
svetainė = '3/0/3'
kambario = '3/0/4'
miegamojo = '3/0/5'
vonia = '3/0/6'
thermostat_Heating_Cooling = '3/6/20'
sildymas_siurb_arba_centrin = '6/1/13'
sil_siurb_heat_seatpoint = '11/1/16'
sil_siurb_cool_seatpoint = '11/1/15'
I have encountered an issue where the script section responsible for heat pump cooling sometimes runs unexpectedly, even though the conditions for its execution are not met. By using the log function, I identified that the variable `holas = '3/0/1'` activated this script, despite no conditions being met to proceed with the script. Upon checking the log, I noticed that the variable `thermostat_Heating_Cooling` was holding the value 1, indicating that it shouldn't proceed with the script execution.
Is it possible for variables to lose their value at times?
The addresses listed have assigned tags that can trigger the script
holas = '3/0/1'
svetainė = '3/0/3'
kambario = '3/0/4'
miegamojo = '3/0/5'
vonia = '3/0/6'
thermostat_Heating_Cooling = '3/6/20'
sildymas_siurb_arba_centrin = '6/1/13'
sil_siurb_heat_seatpoint = '11/1/16'
sil_siurb_cool_seatpoint = '11/1/15'
trieigio_PID_enabled_disabled = '3/5/20'
sil_siurb_onoff = '11/1/21'
sil_siurb_cool_heat = '11/1/20'
sil_siurb_cool_heat_setpoint = '11/1/3'
sil_siurb_heat_seatpoint = '11/1/16'
sil_siurb_cool_seatpoint = '11/1/15'
dv1_voztuvas = '4/5/13'
dv2_voztuvas = '4/5/14'
srb1_cirkuliacinis = '4/5/11'
srb2_cirkuliacinis = '4/5/12'
sildymas_siurb_arba_centrin = '6/1/13'
esamas_klimato_rezimas = '6/1/7'
thermostat_Heating_Cooling = '3/6/20'
holas = '3/0/1'
svetainė = '3/0/3'
kambario = '3/0/4'
miegamojo = '3/0/5'
vonia = '3/0/6'
adresas = event.dst
local function logEventWithAddress(event, address)
log("Event triggered by address " .. address .. ": " .. event)
--*********************Valve control - central heating**************************************
if adresas == sildymas_siurb_arba_centrin or adresas == thermostat_Heating_Cooling then
if not grp.getvalue(sildymas_siurb_arba_centrin)
and grp.getvalue(thermostat_Heating_Cooling)
grp.checkwrite (sil_siurb_cool_heat, true)
grp.checkwrite (srb1_cirkuliacinis,true)
grp.checkwrite (sil_siurb_onoff, false)
grp.checkwrite (dv1_voztuvas,true)
grp.checkwrite (dv2_voztuvas,false)
grp.checkwrite (trieigio_PID_enabled_disabled, false)
logEventWithAddress("Valve control - Central heating", adresas)
--*********************Valve control - Heat pump heating**************************************
if adresas == sildymas_siurb_arba_centrin or adresas == thermostat_Heating_Cooling then
if grp.getvalue(sildymas_siurb_arba_centrin)
and grp.getvalue(thermostat_Heating_Cooling)
grp.checkwrite (sil_siurb_cool_heat, true)
grp.checkwrite (srb1_cirkuliacinis,false)
grp.checkwrite (sil_siurb_onoff, true)
grp.checkwrite (dv1_voztuvas,false)
grp.checkwrite (dv2_voztuvas,true)
grp.checkwrite (trieigio_PID_enabled_disabled, true)
logEventWithAddress("Valve control - Heat pump HEATING", adresas)
--*********************Valve control - Heat pump cooling**************************************
if not grp.getvalue(thermostat_Heating_Cooling)
grp.checkwrite (sil_siurb_cool_heat, false)
grp.checkwrite (sil_siurb_onoff, true)
grp.checkwrite (srb1_cirkuliacinis,false) -- SRB1 OFF
grp.checkwrite (dv1_voztuvas,false)
grp.checkwrite (dv2_voztuvas,true)
grp.checkwrite (trieigio_PID_enabled_disabled, true)
logEventWithAddress("Valve control - Heat pump COOLING", adresas)