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Auto OFF function
Hello All,
I'm searching for a small script, which switches off a power plug if device in stanby mode for a long time.
For example I'm using MDT AMS16.12 with power measuring function. The TV is connected to the power plug, which is controlled by AMS1216 device.
So after watching TV I forget sometimes to disable the plug. 
I looking for a script like: 
if TV power plug status =1, but power consumption < 10W for 1 hour, 
then disable the plug.

Tried to use FBD editor of WISER, but without succes. Please 

Here is the resident script, which will be executed every minute

if not minute_counter then
  minute_counter = 0

plug_status = grp.getvalue('plug_status') -- the object of plug status

power_consumption = grp.getvalue('power_consumption') -- the object of power in watts


if plug_status and power_consumption < 10 then
  minute_counter = minute_counter + 1
  minute_counter = 0

if minute_counter > 59 then -- one hour passed
  grp.write('plug_control', false) -- turn off plug (plug control object)
  minute_counter = 0
Thanks a lot, your script is working perfect!

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